Message from @Romanus Drevo

Discord ID: 456270121749577740

2018-06-13 01:23:49 UTC  

Paraphrasing an interesting argument I heard today for the existence of God: (since atheists are nominalist and believe that the big bang happened solely through cosmic flux) Do you believe that 2+2 equals 4 and always equals 4? The fact that math exists and it's unequivocally a universal truth proves the existence of a higher power. If the universe was nothing but random cosmic flux, it would be impossible for a universal truth and for consistency to exist. It would be random flux like everything else

2018-06-13 01:24:03 UTC  

I'm not doing the argument justice, but you get the idea

2018-06-13 01:24:42 UTC  

The only problem is that due to quantum mechanics, you could actually argue that the entire universe is nothing but random flux.

2018-06-13 01:24:58 UTC  

Or the entire multi-verse, as some physicists say.

2018-06-13 01:25:04 UTC  

Quantum mechanics is a spook

2018-06-13 01:25:22 UTC  

Hold on let me read it a couple of times

2018-06-13 01:25:29 UTC  

They're making things up to explain what they don't understand

2018-06-13 01:26:13 UTC  

It has scientific evidence. Light has been proved to have both particle and wave properties. So have electrons, and even some molecules. However, it is true that there are times they go a little to far.

2018-06-13 01:26:17 UTC  

Ah ok I think I understood the point of it

2018-06-13 01:27:46 UTC  

But anyway, does quantum physics disprove math?

2018-06-13 01:28:15 UTC  

Not 2+2=4, or any of the rest of math.

2018-06-13 01:28:35 UTC  

My point is that with quantum mechanics, you can argue for a universe that's nothing but random flux.

2018-06-13 01:30:07 UTC  

You could, but I don't see how that's relevant

2018-06-13 01:30:31 UTC  

It doesn't disprove the other claim

2018-06-13 01:31:10 UTC  

It's just reaffirming what they think they know without addressing the argument

2018-06-13 01:32:09 UTC  

I agree. Disregarding God because of a lack of evidence for God is a very unscientific thing to do.

2018-06-13 01:32:36 UTC  

That math is consistent, it's comprehensible, it's logical; all which would be impossible in a state of flux

2018-06-13 01:33:17 UTC  

And then there's the whole thing about science not being able to justify itself

2018-06-13 01:33:49 UTC  

For the record, I'm only arguing with you so you can strengthen the argument.

2018-06-13 01:34:20 UTC  

But it might be possible that even with constant flux, you can have consistent math.

2018-06-13 01:34:34 UTC  

You could do this by equating math with pure nominalism.

2018-06-13 01:35:22 UTC  

Let's say I have three apples. The fact is I have three, but I could say I have drin, or kteri, or uliban. The word is in flux, but the reality remains the same.

2018-06-13 01:37:20 UTC  

Not sure where I'm going with this, actually.

2018-06-13 01:46:29 UTC  

The word is in flux through language barriers too. I say three, Philippe says trois, Franz says drei. The word is different, but the concept is always the same

2018-06-13 01:47:59 UTC  

@Luiz Tinoco I turned 21 this year. I'm really glad the date went well for you! And yeah, the internet can be a real crutch. You sort of lose sense of your body and your mind is absorbed in it so you forget your surroundings and how much time has gone by.

2018-06-13 01:49:01 UTC  

I'm at a blank as to how math could be nominal tbh. Could always test it out and see how they would respond

2018-06-13 01:56:08 UTC  

It's nominal because the concept is the same, no matter the name. Unless I'm getting nominalism wrong.

2018-06-13 01:57:46 UTC  

That wouldn't be nominalism

2018-06-13 01:58:27 UTC  

Nominalism would be that numbers are a social construct

2018-06-13 01:58:52 UTC  

And that we contrived them out of convenience maybe?

2018-06-13 01:59:03 UTC  

But that's easily disproven

2018-06-13 01:59:15 UTC  

Ah, I am getting nominalism wrong.

2018-06-13 01:59:25 UTC  

@Deleted User you're at a very good age. I could recommend you the same I recommend shrimples albeit for different reason. Find a group of like minded people, engage in their activities and be part of a sports team if you can. There are good days, and there are days in which we think too much. Those are the dangerous ones. Keep God with you and keep people close to you when they come. I'll add a prayer for you tonight as well :)

2018-06-13 01:59:38 UTC  

As 3+3 is 6 no matter what society is doing the math

2018-06-13 05:44:10 UTC  

Quantum mechanics proves that naturalism is false

2018-06-13 06:57:19 UTC  

When someone starts talking about quantum mechanics, I can only imagine a mega-fedora talking about le epic science xD while using big, smart, enlightened words that sound like le epic science

2018-06-13 07:00:10 UTC  

You should watch InspiringPhilosophy

2018-06-13 07:00:27 UTC  

He uses quantum physics in some of his apologetics

2018-06-13 07:00:34 UTC  

He's quite good

2018-06-13 07:43:19 UTC  

>If the universe was nothing but random cosmic flux, it would be impossible for a universal truth and for consistency to exist

2018-06-13 07:43:30 UTC  

I don't see how that follows