Message from @Based Chav
Discord ID: 464444502736633887
I was in Alabama for like 3 hours last spring
Seemed nice enough
I guess I just proved myself autistic by writing that wall of text, contrary to my intentions 😁
@Deleted User haven't been back in Alabama since I was a baby
I've lived in Virginia for many years
Last time I was in Hong Kong, if @Wzl wants to know, was the spring of 1997, before the ChiCom takeover on 1 July
My grandfather was a WW2 spy and a KMT loyalist, and eventually found himself exiled in HK much longer than he'd expected
I hope he would not entirely disapprove of my being NazBol 😎
But the important thing is that he came to trust in our Lord in the last months of his life
And at the Last Day he will be counted among the righteous, whom God holds in everlasting remembrance
>protestants talking about "the real thing"
Invited a 🅱agan on who is having a faith crisis and is considering Catholicism
Hope you lads let him in
🅱️egome Gadolig :DDDDD
Think it's going to take a bit more than memes
Always takes a little more, we just need to show him the true about Christian faith and theology
welcome @Deleted User , sorry for the holdup
Welcome @Deleted User
I got given rosaries today
pics or didnt happen
When i get back home i will send pictures
Rugged Rosaries are GOAT, tbh.
What does that mean
Some.polish woman gave me two
Shes sakd rosary italiano
We sat down and started talking
GOAT = greatest of all time.
And rugged rosaries is a company that makes rosaries from paracord.
Ye I found the website
Just didn't knew what GOAT meant
Ah right
What the polish woman gave me
She also gave me two magazines to read