Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 468787956077821953
The moment people break away form the Church the line is broken
You can't apostatize and say you continue a line you just rejected
Yes, comparing Anglicanism to Muhammed
No, it actually sprang out of the convenience of a divorce
It's not apostasy though. We still believe.
Apostasy is not just some vague "I believe in Jesus"
Aryans believe in Jesus
No it sprang from the reformation and was aided by the divorces of Henry 8 correct
The thousand heretics regarding the trinity beleive in Jesus
So are Orthodox heretics?
It sprang from a fat king
I will call them heretic
It was born directly for the convenience of Henry
So yoie argument is
Let's not try to sugarcoat that
My argument is that you can't spit on the Church and brag about how apostolic you are
Even if the Catholic Church went entirely against the Bible it would still be the one true Church because it had an unbroken line of apostolic succession?
My argument is that you can't dismiss the authorities of the Church as silly outdated things that need "reformation" and then expect people to take you seroulsy
I'm not spitting on anything
Yes of course.
It was
I know
And there were disagreements about those compilations
But still
If the Catholic Church went against scripture today
Would you consider it the one true Church?
Who says what is against scripture?
If you were to cheat on your wife that would not be against scripture? You'd have to go to the pope and ask him for his infallible opinion on the matter?
It is against scripture to say that the Church can go against Scripture
The Gates of Hell will not prevail
You seem to imply that it is so easy to know what is and isn't against scripture, that there is no need for an infallible Church
However, you got a million denominations, each of them with a different opinion on what goes and does not go against Scripture
How did people read and understand the Bible and compile it and decide? So you're saying the reason Catholicism is the one true Church is because the line of people who compiled it and interpretated it were and are infallible?
Protestant denominations that disagree with mainstream Theological interpretations aren't in Disagreement about what's right, they're purposefully sinful
Catholicism is the Church because it has been since it was created by Christ
Sounds like circular reasoning to never be wrong about anything.
And the Bible did not exist as such for a few centuries
The basis of Christianity is not the Bible