Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 468787175396212747
Do you understand when someone is considered a heresy?
When it is declared as such by the authority of the Church
A heretic? Yes
That is why arianism is a heresy and not the other way round
Protestantism is born as a rejection of that authority
Only because it was decided upon by a number of believers, that's essentially saying church is based on democracy and not scripture
Which protestants reject
The Church is based on the apostoloc authority of the Church
It is by that aurhotity that scripture is born
Yeah and the Anglican church declares itself to be apostolic
The thing is, being apostolic is not something you decide
Which is in our creed
But something you are through an unbroken line of succession
Muhammed could as well declare himself to be apostolic
Please don't be retarded and facetious
You know what I mean
Many people who were Catholic became Anglican
And that's where we draw our line from
Retarded and facetious?
Just because we differ Theologically doesn't mean the denomination sprang out of nothing
You can't apostatize and say you continue a line you just rejected
Yes, comparing Anglicanism to Muhammed
No, it actually sprang out of the convenience of a divorce
It's not apostasy though. We still believe.
Apostasy is not just some vague "I believe in Jesus"
Aryans believe in Jesus
No it sprang from the reformation and was aided by the divorces of Henry 8 correct
The thousand heretics regarding the trinity beleive in Jesus
So are Orthodox heretics?
It sprang from a fat king
I will call them heretic
It was born directly for the convenience of Henry
So yoie argument is
Let's not try to sugarcoat that
My argument is that you can't spit on the Church and brag about how apostolic you are
Even if the Catholic Church went entirely against the Bible it would still be the one true Church because it had an unbroken line of apostolic succession?
My argument is that you can't dismiss the authorities of the Church as silly outdated things that need "reformation" and then expect people to take you seroulsy
I'm not spitting on anything
Do you know how the collection of books you know as the "bible" came to be?