Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 386194316831227905
Yeah he's been running a lot of damage control for the shitshow police work
I am in the NS movement from a place of love, but MAN... I cannot help but hate semitic people...
"Stand down order is not a term police use" then he goes on to explain that stand down is exactly what they did anyway
yeah thats bullshit ^
I feel ya there, I'm sure everyone here can relate
let the semites be semites in their own semite lands, completely disconnected from me and my nation and i won't hate them.
until then....
They're incapable of keeping that huge fucking noses out of our business, it's in their disgusting nature.
I believe that to be true
it's like in their DNA
they've proven it
let's go for 110 civilizations, boys.
E R A D I C A T I O N when?
/audio on the cville live video working for anyone else?
Working fine for me. quiet though
erm... lemme try it
Audio is working just super duper quiet
> 2.0
can anyone sum it up for me, i cant hear a damn thing
its a briefing i believe
@Bob Oliver Basically this fag is running damage control for the shitty police work
He is a Democrat.
is it heavily biased
Pretty much
He is a rare Democrat police chief.
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) Like that matters pfft the repubs are just as bad
is he saying its our fault, or cops fault
The scumbag.
He is?
I can't tell but I thought he said "the city couldn't accomodate it"
My highschool quote is "The victor writes history"
Just remembered.
Did he just say "Justice park"