Message from @Fevs
Discord ID: 386194767261990913
/audio on the cville live video working for anyone else?
Working fine for me. quiet though
erm... lemme try it
Audio is working just super duper quiet
So..... Is Cville 2.0 actually happening ?
> 2.0
can anyone sum it up for me, i cant hear a damn thing
its a briefing i believe
@Bob Oliver Basically this fag is running damage control for the shitty police work
He is a Democrat.
is it heavily biased
Pretty much
He is a rare Democrat police chief.
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) Like that matters pfft the repubs are just as bad
is he saying its our fault, or cops fault
The scumbag.
I can't tell but I thought he said "the city couldn't accomodate it"
My highschool quote is "The victor writes history"
Just remembered.
Did he just say "Justice park"
I'm gonna puke
He is a sad excuse of a man, do you really expect anything else?
The police are not on our side.
Yeah I'm aware of that
Niggers would tell you differently though.
It's just so petty to change the name of parks like that lul it serves them no real benefit
Sounds like he said the city fucked up bad.
Both days.
University pd refused help for Friday night and then Saturday the police just shit the bed.
^ that's about what I'm getting
What does this hearing even MEAN though
Kessler is thinking what he says here could open up a lawsuit
Or something like that