Message from @
Discord ID: 483409843391037451
Nice Pippin
Were the crowds big, they didn't look big on the telly
I think my friend went and saw him also
Illiberal right
My friend tammie actually got to meet him personally and shake his hand and talk to him
Patriotic traditionalist
They were big I'd say 200k+ at least
The only thing thats right of me is a wall
I like walls
Yea. Where does it say far-right? I was towing the ultra traditionalist line
Oh, its just a meme description
I will change that
nothing wrong with the"far-right" appelation tbf
I won't say I'm *not* far-right, but it's not great to accept that liberal framing, as if the 'centre right' were not neoliberal extremists
Do you think authoritarianism is a good idea?
Congratulations. You're far-something
The political compass is pretty gay anyway
Be economically versatile and be authoritarian
Be a Pinochet authoritarian :v
Idc what the economic system is as long as it isn't socialist tbh
But socially I am in favor of authoritarianism
Anything that implies decisions are not made by the majority
Let me know how this looks. What would you change?
I mean I personally don't care what the description is, it won't make me suddenly dislike y'all
I'm content with whatever :)
Le first patreon face
And agreed @Mozalbete ⳩ on not letting majority decide
majority are gaslit normies
need a strong fist to tell them what to do
@Mozalbete ⳩ do tell
We need more helicopters
Already subbed