Message from @󠀂 󠀂

Discord ID: 510901702220578836

2018-11-10 19:34:18 UTC  

_Those who from heresy turn to orthodoxy, and to the portion of those who are being saved, we receive according to the following method and custom: Arians, and Macedonians, and Sabbatians, and Novatians, who call themselves Cathari or Aristori, and Quarto-decimans or Tetradites, and Apollinarians, we receive, upon their giving a written renunciation [of their errors] and anathematize every heresy which is not in accordance with the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church of God. Thereupon, they are first sealed or anointed with the holy oil upon the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, and ears; and when we seal them, we say, "The Seal of the gift of the Holy Ghost."_

2018-11-10 19:34:25 UTC  

There is chrismation 😉

2018-11-10 19:34:37 UTC  

If you're welcomed to the greatest Jam, you've gotta take the greatest Slam

2018-11-10 19:34:52 UTC  

I was dunked by baptists

2018-11-10 19:35:05 UTC  

how many dunks

2018-11-10 19:35:06 UTC  


2018-11-10 19:35:11 UTC  

Don't remember

2018-11-10 19:35:18 UTC  

In a swimming pool

2018-11-10 19:35:24 UTC  

Of all places

2018-11-10 19:37:11 UTC  

I was present at a friend's baptism at a mega(((church))) twelve years ago. I attended as an atheist and just observed what was going on

2018-11-10 19:37:36 UTC  

I believe it was one dunk

2018-11-10 19:37:52 UTC  

also prottie worship music is probably the most dull thing I have ever heard

2018-11-10 19:38:27 UTC  

Catholic's mass is also with instruments. While the Orthodox Liturgy is _a capella_.

2018-11-10 19:39:01 UTC  

Nothing wrong with organs, amirite?

2018-11-10 19:39:48 UTC  

Because in the Orthodox perspective (and the Fathers), the Liturgy is the reunion of the Church and the Cherubins, who sing the glory of God forever. So the choir intend to copy angels hymns to God.

2018-11-10 19:39:59 UTC  

The only organ that should be present at liturgy is the nous

2018-11-10 19:40:07 UTC  

Orthodox choir is bae

2018-11-10 19:40:17 UTC  

Prottie guitar sermons are cancer

2018-11-10 19:40:25 UTC  

And so, as the cherubins aren't using organs, the choir isn't.

2018-11-10 19:40:26 UTC  

>modern pop tier songs

2018-11-10 19:40:57 UTC  

Plus, half of all prot praise teams I've encountered were mediocre musicians

2018-11-10 19:41:12 UTC  

Or just plain ass

2018-11-10 19:41:46 UTC  

They seemed like the kind of teens who go to church on sunday after debauchery on saturday

2018-11-10 19:42:36 UTC  

Sprinkling is okay when dunking isn't possible, it's in the didache, but it's gotta be triple

2018-11-10 19:42:40 UTC  

@Constantin le Lamantin I like your choice of name btw

2018-11-10 19:43:40 UTC  

Sprinkling is ok if the immersion isn't, don't forget that. @Byzas 😉

2018-11-10 19:43:48 UTC  

@󠀂 󠀂 My parents named me like that ^^

2018-11-10 19:44:00 UTC  


2018-11-10 19:44:05 UTC  

Are you Greek?

2018-11-10 19:44:19 UTC  

Nope. French, but I speak Greek.

2018-11-10 19:44:33 UTC  

French orthobros?

2018-11-10 19:44:43 UTC  


2018-11-10 19:44:51 UTC  


2018-11-10 19:45:09 UTC  

What did I say kostya

2018-11-10 19:47:14 UTC  

Dunking = immersion

2018-11-10 19:47:37 UTC  

@󠀂 󠀂 I'm in an orthodox server full of Francophones in which French is the language of the title, channels, etc

2018-11-10 19:47:57 UTC  

Who is the admin ? @Byzas

2018-11-10 19:48:03 UTC  

Sorry ;)

2018-11-10 19:48:15 UTC  

Your server mate

2018-11-10 19:48:21 UTC  

Info Orthodoxe

2018-11-10 19:48:25 UTC  

I know, I'm trolling haha