Message from @Byzas
Discord ID: 510902759076397056
Nothing wrong with organs, amirite?
Because in the Orthodox perspective (and the Fathers), the Liturgy is the reunion of the Church and the Cherubins, who sing the glory of God forever. So the choir intend to copy angels hymns to God.
The only organ that should be present at liturgy is the nous
Orthodox choir is bae
Prottie guitar sermons are cancer
And so, as the cherubins aren't using organs, the choir isn't.
>modern pop tier songs
Plus, half of all prot praise teams I've encountered were mediocre musicians
Or just plain ass
They seemed like the kind of teens who go to church on sunday after debauchery on saturday
Sprinkling is okay when dunking isn't possible, it's in the didache, but it's gotta be triple
@Constantin le Lamantin I like your choice of name btw
Sprinkling is ok if the immersion isn't, don't forget that. @Byzas 😉
@ My parents named me like that ^^
Are you Greek?
Nope. French, but I speak Greek.
French orthobros?
@ I'm in an orthodox server full of Francophones in which French is the language of the title, channels, etc
Who is the admin ? @Byzas
Sorry ;)
Your server mate
Info Orthodoxe
I know, I'm trolling haha
Fun place, would be more fun if I understood french, maybe then I could talk
oh wow french orthodox church is very new
I only know a few words and phrases
There is no french orthodox church
We are mostly E.P or Bucarest or Moscow
Are frenchies under the EC?
Well there's a group that calls itself french orthodox but they aren't in communion with the orthodox church
What's the deal with OCA
Normally, yup, but Moscow as created his own exarch.
EP, Ecumenical Patriarchate