Message from @Constantin le Lamantin
Discord ID: 514224438892298264
What do you think about sun lamps
Manbuns are so fucking gay
And is also cultural appropriation
Saint Paraskevi Church
Interesting, so the Antiochian priest I met was previously an AoG pastor
He begame and took half his congregation with him
I'm trying to understand Patripassianism. Is there an easy way to understand historic teaching on this?
@ó €‚ ó €‚ Wewlad
Half his congregation left w/ him?
That's rare...
Half his congregation begame when he begamr
He said the Bishop allowed guitar sermons in the beginning when he was first ordained
Then they did away with it eventually
I mean, I'm fine with a guitar if other instruments aren't available, but finding a guitarist to play he style you need for an EO service is going to be super hard...
Did they move buildings?
In the EO Liturgy, there aren't instruments because the Liturgy is the imitation of the hymns prayed by the cherubins to God. And so the choir is singing to imite them and to participate to the louange.
Organs are the one instrument I'm okay with during mass tbh
A grand piano maybe
Keyboards defo no
I hate keyboards
So much
@Quarantine_Zone I believe so
I'd prefer no instruments.
Liturgical mass is best mass
I like the instruments. Helps keep order and pitch.
@Constantin le Lamantin didn't know that
@Mozalbete ⳩
>What is the meaning of the forgiveness if a person truly repent his/her sin. Is the Christ crucified for our sins?
>What is meaning of the confession if it exists ? Inb4 Increase/decrease the penance and muh the period for purgatory
>No direct description of Purgatory in the bible
I prefer organs or piano if there has to be an instrument
The human voice is the best instrument
@Βασίλειος Θεοδόσιος what denom are you? Ordo?
You have not tag
Converting from presby to Orthodox.
inb4 some people would call covertodox
He asked me about it when I said about purgatory in the filtpitchat
What do Orthodox say the purpose of confession is?
@Βασίλειος Θεοδόσιος I was born into one of those Korean megachurches