Message from @Ironclad
Discord ID: 557176255565266954
You'd be surprised by how many of those retarded claims can be just answered with a "why?", since they are just arbitrary logical jumps where someone says for no reason that A implies B.
Could be, but never the less me and my cath went heavy on him so that he can see that using those "big words" and implying he knows theology does not intimidate anyone, and that he better keep shut on what he thinks he can get out of scripture.
Must say i enjoyed it a bit too much.
Nothing says "maybe the New Zealand shooter was wrong" more than having half a dozen Somalian teenagers smoking weed behind you on the bus.
Lord have mercy.
My quiet suffering over the past eighteen years is fast becoming stifled fury.
You mean *wasn't?
>smoking weed on the bus
>no one does anything about it
sometimes i wonder if whitey is worth saving what the fuck
Isn't it amazing how a certain tribal group has a perfect bingo?
Do people actually the think the New Zealand shooter was wrong?
C u c k
John Dave is live on Legio Christi's YouTube now:
@Ironclad The British government actively seeks to sabotage people who want law and order back.
And you can't rely on any constabulary really, much less the Met.
I expected something more tbh
@Based Chav that sounds like it's true.
Based null
The city i live in.
"Terrorism is a potential motive"
Dunno why they bother feigning uncertainty anymore.
@Deleted User I imagine any church father would've smacked the shit out of somebody like that for cowardice.
Apparently it's a 37 year old t*rk
So, you got parted and parcelled
Looks like an average white nationalist tbh
looks like an average water-german to me.
Curse those Dutch and their ethnonationalists!
Niggas be actually using this as proof the ok hand is a white supremacist symbol
Nah, it's the thing you do where you get beats if it's below your waist.