Message from @Daniil
Discord ID: 556936562403966977
"Haha, i love that people who are against abortion claim that science confirms human life begins at conception are the same people who deny Christ was concieved from sexual relationships"
I refuted that already from the guy too.
What does that retard do for a living?
Run a page of cheap skeptic-protestant "theology"
There is not really much you can "argument" against pure nonsense, beyond telling him to stop trying to use big words he doesn't understand and grow a brain
How does a person become that misinformed?
It's not misinformation
It is wishful thinking
He wants to believe anything that justifies his filth
if any of you want something to do, the page Edgy Memes and Fashy Dreams posted an absolute RETARDED post about how Christians are bad except Arians
Indeed, i really did not need to argue a lot, i just made a little pointing of fallacies here and there, quotations on the talmud and pointing out you can't possibly try to imply Mary's "freedom" to choose Christ birth in the gospel means she would advocate for abortion in a modern conception of "brith freedom" without being theologically retarded and uncultured on cultural history and exegesis, the guy gave up hours ago.
You'd be surprised by how many of those retarded claims can be just answered with a "why?", since they are just arbitrary logical jumps where someone says for no reason that A implies B.
Could be, but never the less me and my cath went heavy on him so that he can see that using those "big words" and implying he knows theology does not intimidate anyone, and that he better keep shut on what he thinks he can get out of scripture.
Must say i enjoyed it a bit too much.
Nothing says "maybe the New Zealand shooter was wrong" more than having half a dozen Somalian teenagers smoking weed behind you on the bus.
Lord have mercy.
My quiet suffering over the past eighteen years is fast becoming stifled fury.
>smoking weed on the bus
>no one does anything about it
sometimes i wonder if whitey is worth saving what the fuck
Isn't it amazing how a certain tribal group has a perfect bingo?
Do people actually the think the New Zealand shooter was wrong?
C u c k
John Dave is live on Legio Christi's YouTube now:
@Ironclad The British government actively seeks to sabotage people who want law and order back.
And you can't rely on any constabulary really, much less the Met.
I expected something more tbh
@Based Chav that sounds like it's true.
Based null
The city i live in.
"Terrorism is a potential motive"
Dunno why they bother feigning uncertainty anymore.