Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 562366740739391530
I hide the post instantly and leave the group/unfollow the page
and then I spend 30 minutes trying to forget it
Christ-chan is displeased
(((CIA Agent))) caught in Karachi and 2-3 Islamic State sleeper wells
(((they))) are at it again
Thank you, Inter Service Intelligence for capturing these dogs. Very cool!
I am watching TV rn
Here is a very fascinating, albeit somewhat melancholy case due to its subject matter
somehow I think this fits this group nicely.
I have a zero-tolerance weeb policy on Facebook.
If I see a remotely un-ironic anime picture, I unlike the page.
Unless it's some sort of quote for a meme, like that "is this a [____]?" one.
Reeeee damn Japanese cartoons
/rel/ likes Castlevania Y/N?
E for Eh
Straight N
But there has been a clear decadence in them
@Redpill Knight It looks like you have quite some amount of material regardin these things
@Uncle Zoob I thought that Catholics where an anomily in Pakistan, purged by their 'benevolent' fellow 'citizens'.
A while back i found out that even Old Believers have followers there.
It's just (((boomers))) who portray Pakistan as some place where Christians are killed everyday lmfao
I saw a video few weeks ago, it was some random woman who was beaten up due to some feud and she even said in the video that she's a "Syed zaadi"
but there were people spreading it falsely saying that its some Christian woman
Could be. A friend of mine had a long relation wit a Catholic Paki girl. He visited her once in Pakistan.
Didn't work though.
F. What happened ?
Father went al retarded. He suddenly forbade any communication. And after that (the engagement was already celebrated) the communications went to very silent. He made several attempts to get her to my country, but without permission she could not go, so she stayed.
The mother and the older brother came as refugees but blew their interviews so were not approved as 'refugees' and are to be send back. The guy was unjustly blamed for this.
It cost him half his heart and more.
But what do you make of it?
Retarded family probs
I am not surprised
majority of Christians all belong to lower castes and those people are like that
Also what is it with the retarded inbreeding and incestual relations?