Discord ID: 570365001911500820

2019-04-23 21:42:56 UTC  

when you want to slaughter people because of some dusty book written by bronze age retards

2019-04-23 21:43:00 UTC  


2019-04-23 21:43:03 UTC  

Not really

2019-04-23 21:43:20 UTC  

It's sad that you're spewing into degeneracy just like Kikes want to

2019-04-23 21:43:28 UTC

2019-04-23 21:43:30 UTC  

But hey it's your "choice" to not see the light of God

2019-04-23 21:43:54 UTC  

@Riley literally where does it say to slaughter people

2019-04-23 21:43:56 UTC  

If seeing Gods light means slaughtering people because they are icky, then I am glad I don't see it

2019-04-23 21:44:01 UTC  

@Jay Dubya ask raspopin

2019-04-23 21:44:03 UTC  

That's not in the OT

2019-04-23 21:44:03 UTC  

he is the one saying it

2019-04-23 21:44:09 UTC  

You reject metaphysics in totality, none of your statements have any weight. You're arguing against sound principle from philosophical quicksand and wondering why we laugh at you. You need to believe something before you can convince people of your enlightenment

2019-04-23 21:44:25 UTC  

last pic and I'm off to sleep

2019-04-23 21:44:27 UTC  


2019-04-23 21:44:33 UTC  

Christians: endless stream of writings by the saints and the Fathers of the Church, huge volumes on theology and metaphysics.
Atheists: "dude we can sodomize each other, it is scientific lmao"

2019-04-23 21:45:19 UTC  

Writing about Christian theology is like writing about star wars lore

2019-04-23 21:45:27 UTC  

Sure thing bruh

2019-04-23 21:45:31 UTC  

Bruh deep

2019-04-23 21:45:40 UTC  

Big brained

2019-04-23 21:45:55 UTC

2019-04-23 21:46:53 UTC  

Maybe if the world you advocate wasn't a constantly degenerating hellscape, you might get some traction lmao

2019-04-23 21:47:09 UTC  

That is the fault of religion, as shown in the following graph

2019-04-23 21:47:12 UTC

2019-04-23 21:47:52 UTC  

"historically attested worldwide flood"

2019-04-23 21:48:24 UTC  


2019-04-23 21:48:37 UTC  

Nigger do you think the Finno-Korean Hyperwar was real?

2019-04-23 21:48:44 UTC  


2019-04-23 21:48:49 UTC  

All you pick up on is the flood?

2019-04-23 21:48:53 UTC  

I think it was a meme

2019-04-23 21:49:00 UTC  

I mean the Finno-Korean Hyperwar was real

2019-04-23 21:49:00 UTC  


2019-04-23 21:49:02 UTC  

but not the flood

2019-04-23 21:49:27 UTC  

Nah bruh flood was real

2019-04-23 21:49:31 UTC  


2019-04-23 21:49:34 UTC  

fake news

2019-04-23 21:49:57 UTC  

now serious talk, I think most Christians don't believe in the flood

2019-04-23 21:50:04 UTC  

You are wrong

2019-04-23 21:50:09 UTC  


2019-04-23 21:50:14 UTC  

oh. Well then that means most people are retarded

2019-04-23 21:50:17 UTC  

I think most christians don't believe Sodom and Gomorrah were obliterated by raining fire and brimstone too

2019-04-23 21:50:22 UTC  

because there is no fucking way there was a global flood