Message from @Quarantine_Zone

Discord ID: 572924822464757791

2019-04-30 23:14:25 UTC  

because a lay person is not able to transubstantiate

2019-04-30 23:14:47 UTC  

an ordained priest is ontologically different than a lay person

2019-04-30 23:14:54 UTC  

I thought that was Church doctrine, transubstantiation isn't a magic power it's the nature of the sacrament

2019-04-30 23:15:08 UTC  

yes, but who has the power to transubstantiate? Jesus

2019-04-30 23:15:13 UTC  

Transubstantiation is the greatest miracle in the world.

2019-04-30 23:15:22 UTC  

Can Jesus not work through a layman?

2019-04-30 23:15:28 UTC  

and Jesus delegated his priesthood to his apostles

2019-04-30 23:15:43 UTC  

He can, but a layman does not have the indelible mark of a priest.

2019-04-30 23:16:27 UTC  

But in an emergency, would that matter? I wouldn't see it as any different than David being given the bread of the host in the tabernacle to eat

2019-04-30 23:16:40 UTC  


2019-04-30 23:16:57 UTC  

I eat the host at mass too

2019-04-30 23:17:27 UTC  

King David ate the bread from the Holy of Holies, which only the high priest was permitted to eat, because it was an emergency, and God let him

2019-04-30 23:17:30 UTC  

David was also a priest wasn't he?

2019-04-30 23:17:39 UTC  

No, he was king

2019-04-30 23:17:40 UTC  

Yeah I remember when the fathers spoke about priests being ontologically different lol

2019-04-30 23:17:50 UTC  

Yes, it would matter. I, a priest, cannot physically transubstantiate anything. I could say Mass every day of my life, and my "Communion" would be nothing more than bread and wine.

2019-04-30 23:17:53 UTC  

yeah he was king and priest as well am I wrong

2019-04-30 23:17:57 UTC  

That's right in there in Ignatius isn't it?

2019-04-30 23:18:08 UTC  

the priesthood has always been an exclusive role, ever since the levites

2019-04-30 23:18:28 UTC  

if anyone else wanted to offer the sacrifice they full on got killed by God

2019-04-30 23:18:42 UTC  

Oh, wait, was it Irenaeus? No, maybe it was in Ambrose? Oh wait...

2019-04-30 23:18:46 UTC  

He was not a priest

2019-04-30 23:18:53 UTC  

whats the point of having designated ordained priests if anyone can do it?

2019-04-30 23:19:12 UTC  

It's almost as if that idea isn't anywhere in the early church 😅

2019-04-30 23:19:52 UTC  

@SUPER MALE VITALITY™ I concede David was not a priest

2019-04-30 23:19:54 UTC  

Glad I can read the fathers honestly as a Lutheran and not insert doctrine where it doesn't exist lol

2019-04-30 23:21:02 UTC  

@Quarantine_Zone what's this, now?

2019-04-30 23:21:13 UTC  

If there is an ability for a priest to do it, they are meant to, but if the eurachrist is a necessary element of salvation and there is no priest, then the priest cannot be a 100% vital component, there must be some means of attaining the power of communion even if the last priest has died. That, or the eurachrist does not hold any inherent power.

2019-04-30 23:21:40 UTC  

Lol, the idea of an ontological difference b/w lay people and the ordained isn't in the early fathers ever at all

2019-04-30 23:22:03 UTC  

@SUPER MALE VITALITY™ The Eucharist, in theory, isn't *absolutely* necessary for salvation, though.

2019-04-30 23:22:06 UTC  

Yes, it's called a spiritual communion. God isn't contained within the confines of the sacrament, he can give the same grace to anyone whenever he wants

2019-04-30 23:22:11 UTC  

It is not the nature of God to condemn his people to eternal death because of lack of access to a miracle only certain people can perform

2019-04-30 23:22:42 UTC  

You don't go to Hell if you are physically unable to receive the Eucharist.

2019-04-30 23:23:19 UTC  

If I am deserted on a tropical island with no other humans, I won't go to Hell when I inevitably starve to death, just because I did not receive the Eucharist.

2019-04-30 23:23:25 UTC  

If you seriously think the early fathers taught that there is an ontological difference b/w pastors and lay-people then prove it to me. I've read them thoroughly and never seen such an idea

2019-04-30 23:23:41 UTC  

God does not expect us to achieve the impossible, @SUPER MALE VITALITY™.

2019-04-30 23:25:16 UTC  

It all just seems very arbitrary, and lacking the mark of good doctrine that is scriptural justification

2019-04-30 23:25:31 UTC  

bruh read the link I sent

2019-04-30 23:25:46 UTC  

The Cyprian quote says nothing of ontology

2019-04-30 23:26:01 UTC  

It speaks of doctrine and organizational unity