Message from @Crux

Discord ID: 574159719787134986

2019-05-04 08:58:10 UTC  

@Orrbit I'm in the most left-liberal city in the entire state as well, being that the University is here

2019-05-04 08:58:29 UTC  

oh I know that bishop

2019-05-04 08:58:54 UTC  

his homilies are on Sensus Fidelium all the time

2019-05-04 08:58:55 UTC  


2019-05-04 08:59:00 UTC  

great man

2019-05-04 08:59:10 UTC  

God rest his soul

2019-05-04 08:59:19 UTC  


2019-05-04 08:59:51 UTC  

one of the last times he appeared in public was at our university catholic centre

2019-05-04 09:00:00 UTC  

the first and last time I ever met the man

2019-05-04 09:00:21 UTC  

but he talked to almost all the students there personally

2019-05-04 09:00:56 UTC  


2019-05-04 09:01:10 UTC  

you have to have a huge pair of balls to call out "the homosexual menace within the church" in a liberal college

2019-05-04 09:01:18 UTC  

damn right you do

2019-05-04 09:02:46 UTC  

There's a really awesome Bishop, very trad, but generally just a great shepherd, but he's in the most far-out, rural, lowest population diocese away from everything

2019-05-04 09:03:10 UTC  


2019-05-04 09:03:36 UTC  

Just gotta pray for good young priests I think

2019-05-04 09:03:38 UTC  

In 2004, he publicly expressed criticism of the city's apparent lack of a moral compass, saying that it existed below a religious "moral minimum" and that the city had "virtually no public morality." He specifically cited the popularity of the city's StageQ community theater company, a gay and lesbian theater troupe, as evidence of this view.[3]

Morlino supported the application of Summorum Pontificum in his diocese, and he celebrated the Tridentine Mass in several parishes. He ordered that the tabernacle in all the churches of the diocese should be moved to a central place of prominence. Morlino encouraged the faithful to receive Holy Communion on the tongue while kneeling, and he encouraged pastors to enlist exclusively male altar servers. One of his main objectives was to increase vocations to the priesthood in his diocese, and he helped raise 44 million dollars for the endowment fund "Priests for Our Future". The number of seminarians studying for the priesthood increased from 6 to 30 during his episcopate, one of the highest improvements in the United States.[4] Catholics in his diocese had divided opinions of him.

2019-05-04 09:03:44 UTC  

absolute CHAD

2019-05-04 09:03:49 UTC  


2019-05-04 09:05:20 UTC  

The petition says Morlino has had a "corrosive and corrupt influence over the Diocese through his transparent attempts to influence the voting habits of its members." It says that Morlino is a bigot whose attitudes toward the "LGBTQI [typically defined as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning and intersex] members of his Diocese ... are nothing short of inhumane."

"His hatred and discrimination are undoubtedly a violation of Christ's admonition to love thy neighbor," it says.

2019-05-04 09:05:44 UTC  

Morlino arranged for a memo to be sent by his vicar general to all local priests, informing them that they may deny Catholic funerals to people who had entered into same-sex public civil unions or marriages "to avoid public scandal of the faithful." The memo advised clergy to consider whether the deceased or the living partner was a "promoter of the 'gay' lifestyle."

2019-05-04 09:05:51 UTC  


2019-05-04 11:13:27 UTC  


2019-05-04 12:17:08 UTC

2019-05-04 12:48:31 UTC  

If we ever decide to unite all the different views of everyone in the legion under one ideology

2019-05-04 12:48:44 UTC  

Call it National-Vanguardism

2019-05-04 12:49:09 UTC  

And remember I came up with the term

2019-05-04 12:53:45 UTC  

we can get along but to unite our views under one ideology is kind of a long shot

2019-05-04 13:36:10 UTC  

Too many nutcases on the right to properly unite the cause.

2019-05-04 13:45:40 UTC  


2019-05-04 13:45:50 UTC  

Political spectrums are for fags

2019-05-04 13:46:29 UTC  

I care more about my Church and nation than some corner of a political spectrum

2019-05-04 13:47:08 UTC  

Liberals and Conservatives are more concerned with petty party politics than the truth

2019-05-04 14:06:22 UTC  

Individualism is a bitch

2019-05-04 14:07:19 UTC  

That's why we need Absolute Monarchy,but sadly it's pretty impossible nowadays due to the fact that we live in a totally degenerate society

2019-05-04 14:07:56 UTC  

Sadly you dont get absolute monarchy from democracy just like that

2019-05-04 14:09:05 UTC  

What if we just had a single royal family

2019-05-04 14:09:15 UTC  

There are NO political solutions,just illusions,(((they))) destroyed our culture and there is nothing left sadly.Only our faith

2019-05-04 14:09:16 UTC  

Who ruled collectively

2019-05-04 14:09:47 UTC  

There will still be prominent families trying to stay close to power

2019-05-04 14:10:09 UTC  

which is fine.