Message from @Mozalbete ⳩

Discord ID: 579949643136499712

2019-05-20 07:03:40 UTC  

it's a real burden on the spirit

2019-05-20 07:23:08 UTC  

@SUPER MALE VITALITY™ your own curiosity is what keeps Christianity alive.

2019-05-20 07:42:41 UTC  

@here Ok guys, I have notice that some people, despite being 1% of the population of the server, represent 99% of those who are sent to the filthpit. Some of this has lead to huge autism and probably degeneracy and corruption, which is particularly terrible considering for example that there are some new users who needed guidance. At some hours the chat has become a mess, with these degenerate "celebrities" that are overplaying our good faith.

So from now on, I'm CONFIDENT that they will make sure they stop being acting like huge FOOLS, at least in the general chat, and that filth is kept in the filthpit, because everything is fun and games until I see how the discussions decends into "lel so randum" degeneracy. Look at the messages above this one. That is how the general chat should look like. No autism, no drama, no degeneracy, no borderline satanic climate infulencing others.

Don't answer with "b-but I'm innocent". If you really feel like you haven't done anything or much wrong, this message isn't addressed at you. But the rest, just stop being degenerates lmao

2019-05-20 07:44:32 UTC  

i dont even want to know what the fuck you talking about

2019-05-20 07:45:00 UTC  

Last couple days have been a shitshow lmao

2019-05-20 07:45:11 UTC  

by the way, some who havent gone to the filthpit as much are also guilty of this

2019-05-20 08:16:42 UTC  

Glad this got a mention. There are people who've left the server over filthpit nonsense.

2019-05-20 08:23:44 UTC  

It's not only that. For example, I see some users have tended to avoid the chat more and more over it, so I hope we can at least sprinkle some quality

2019-05-20 08:23:58 UTC  

You are all encouraged to redirect filth to the filthpit

2019-05-20 08:25:52 UTC  

Not that people listen

2019-05-20 08:26:21 UTC  

^ This tbh. Think we need to start coming down hard on the persistent offenders.

2019-05-20 08:27:48 UTC  

I'm not going to point fingers because that would be scummy but by Allah if thigns don't get better I will go full jihad

2019-05-20 08:28:16 UTC  

I'm sure everyone will try their best to behave

2019-05-20 08:28:53 UTC  

@Wrath Don't put words in my mouth, now..

2019-05-20 08:29:22 UTC  

When you say things like that you're just tempting fate my friend

2019-05-20 08:30:01 UTC  

Don't be degenrates, dont indulge in senseless spamming, be charitable with people who say evne the most heretical things because many times they are educated into them or led astray with others, but are willing to listen. Remember to be aware when you are in numeric superiority. Overall, show that you strive for comradery and that you are able to talk things out

2019-05-20 08:30:31 UTC  

@@Wrath 🙄 I'd like to to think I've been here long enough for the smarter than av-er-age bears to know I'm clearly being facetious.

2019-05-20 08:31:15 UTC  

We can still be degenerates in <#452069937305878530> though right?

2019-05-20 08:31:24 UTC  


2019-05-20 08:32:12 UTC  

Be aware that one shouldn't indulge in degeneracy

2019-05-20 08:32:49 UTC  

The filthpit should ideally be used to comment on filth, or similar things

2019-05-20 10:03:33 UTC  

I hate this weather

2019-05-20 10:07:34 UTC  

Epic doxxxx

2019-05-20 10:08:03 UTC  

26 ain't even bad though

2019-05-20 10:10:56 UTC  

26° is about the point where Anglos would complain about the weather.

2019-05-20 10:11:27 UTC  

English ones maybe

2019-05-20 10:11:50 UTC  

Well... that is kind of what was implied by Anglos. 🤔

2019-05-20 10:12:11 UTC  

Anglo is more of a race thing, so that would include aussie anglos

2019-05-20 10:12:29 UTC  

And they would probably agree that 26 is peachy

2019-05-20 10:12:53 UTC  

Top kek. Never once considered an Aussie an Anglo. At least not in the most recent vernacular. They're Colonials.

2019-05-20 10:14:32 UTC  

I guess it can also just mean English speaking?

2019-05-20 10:14:36 UTC  


2019-05-20 10:15:19 UTC  

Let's be real. When anybody says "The eternal Anglo" these days, they clearly mean the English.

2019-05-20 10:17:08 UTC  

Of course, although I get called a filthy anglo by the Russians so I guess it depends on culture as well.

2019-05-20 10:19:47 UTC  


2019-05-20 10:20:24 UTC  

Are you asking about me?

2019-05-20 10:21:04 UTC  


2019-05-20 10:22:00 UTC  

Implying I care about doxx

2019-05-20 10:22:06 UTC  

im not from the civilised world

2019-05-20 10:22:28 UTC  

Y'know what, that's fair.

2019-05-20 10:26:40 UTC  

Anyone who says eternal Anglo isn't clued in to the Franco question