Message from @Wrath

Discord ID: 641863506161041408

2019-11-07 04:53:25 UTC  

**Ephesians 5:1-4 - Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)**


<1> Be ye therefore followers of God, as most dear children; <2> And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath delivered himself for us, an oblation and a sacrifice to God for an odour of sweetness. <3> But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not so much as be named among you, as becometh saints: <4> Or obscenity, or foolish talking, or scurrility, which is to no purpose; but rather giving of thanks. ```

2019-11-07 04:53:25 UTC  

**Proverbs 26:18-19 - Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)**


<18> As he is guilty that shooteth arrows, and lances unto death: <19> So is the man that hurteth his friend deceitfully: and when he is taken, saith: I did it in jest. ```

2019-11-07 04:54:04 UTC  

Christ does not like swearing

2019-11-07 04:54:18 UTC  

Christ doesn't like a lot of things

2019-11-07 04:54:23 UTC  


2019-11-07 04:54:25 UTC  

so go

2019-11-07 04:54:27 UTC  

We still do them, and ask for forgiveness.

2019-11-07 04:54:28 UTC  

and sin no more

2019-11-07 04:54:34 UTC  

@Wrath go and sin no more

2019-11-07 04:54:42 UTC  

@Monk go away

2019-11-07 04:54:58 UTC  

saying "fuck" and "fuck off" to me is not *going and sinning no more*

2019-11-07 04:55:06 UTC  

Ok the way you’re being prideful as illustrated now in words since you lack the complex faculties used for inferring or being self aware would be how as soon as someone said a joke you made sure to jump on them and use the Bible as a way to make yourself right, it was done in such a manner that it can only be seen as pretentious and self righteous babbling and overly egotistical. You continued to attack us over and over all for the sake of trying to prove you were right and not seeing the fact that although you are right theologically, in your manner and approach you are in the wrong and I’m willing to wager that psychologically speaking your motives for attacking as you did were not as you now attempt to backtrack and say they were, it was not for our betterment it was indeed for your self gratification

2019-11-07 04:55:10 UTC  

>unconfirmed catholic getting pissy about swearing

2019-11-07 04:55:13 UTC  

oh frick

2019-11-07 04:55:17 UTC  

You assume that I give a fuck about what you think

2019-11-07 04:55:28 UTC  

i dont care what you think i think

2019-11-07 04:55:39 UTC  

i care what you think about scripture

2019-11-07 04:55:49 UTC  

and obviously, you dont care

2019-11-07 04:55:49 UTC  

You obviously do, because you're incessantly going on about this and tagging me

2019-11-07 04:55:55 UTC  

There now I hope those words will be able to be processed through all those interneurons you have in that big brain of yours <:wojakbrainlet1:510858664534474752>

2019-11-07 04:56:25 UTC  

I care. But I'm exceedingly stressed right now and you're not helping. So kindly, stop having your panties in a twist.

2019-11-07 04:56:42 UTC  

its a catholics duty to enact mercy, and you act like devils when admonished for your sins

2019-11-07 04:57:12 UTC  

It seems I should dumb down my paragraph for you “kindly remove the stick out of your ass”

2019-11-07 04:57:12 UTC  

U r nigger lmao

2019-11-07 04:57:17 UTC  

stress is not an excuse to sin

2019-11-07 04:57:31 UTC  


2019-11-07 04:57:39 UTC  


2019-11-07 04:57:41 UTC  


2019-11-07 04:57:43 UTC  


2019-11-07 04:57:45 UTC  


2019-11-07 04:58:48 UTC  

@Mac tíre iarain your paragraph is abunch of gabble de gook, and doesnt even hit the mark as to what i said. I never attacked you and i simply asked why there is swearing on a christian server

2019-11-07 04:59:04 UTC  

You really are dense

2019-11-07 04:59:05 UTC  

i simply said, there shouldnt be swearing

2019-11-07 04:59:11 UTC  

and God hates foul language

2019-11-07 04:59:16 UTC  

I’m talking about after the fact

2019-11-07 04:59:21 UTC  

nigga calm down

2019-11-07 04:59:24 UTC  

You know what

2019-11-07 04:59:26 UTC  


2019-11-07 04:59:31 UTC  

Ok brainlet

2019-11-07 05:00:06 UTC  

I, as an admin on this server, and as resident Australian, take your feedback into consideration, and kindly ask you, to fuck off.
I hope you have a good day.

2019-11-07 05:01:21 UTC  

Ya know what, i will not provoke you.
6. Colossians 3:8
7. James 3:1-12
8. Proverbs 8:13