Message from @Based Chav

Discord ID: 664879008676184080

2020-01-08 20:33:30 UTC  

@LushDeadlymau125 that makes me feel physically sick

2020-01-08 20:50:59 UTC  

Same tbh

2020-01-08 20:52:22 UTC  

Wow that's really sad

2020-01-08 21:21:37 UTC  
2020-01-08 21:25:41 UTC  

Is Compline in the prayer room chat?

2020-01-08 21:27:51 UTC  


2020-01-08 21:27:58 UTC  

Please mute your mic on entering.

2020-01-08 21:52:53 UTC  

@Kike of Kaifeng should've said you were coming, I could've done with a cantor and respondant this evening. 😴

2020-01-09 04:52:41 UTC  


2020-01-09 07:50:35 UTC  
2020-01-09 07:55:12 UTC  

Thank God I don't have twitter

2020-01-09 07:58:47 UTC  

Me either.

2020-01-09 08:06:36 UTC  

>Emotional support dogs

2020-01-09 08:07:11 UTC  

To think, this used to be the building that people thought was a driving force behind conflicts all over the world. <:ohyou2:569616856105877505>

2020-01-09 12:00:50 UTC  

Think they lost that power to the CIA, when 1/5 of their building was planed

2020-01-09 13:06:48 UTC  

Give them some ganja for emotional support

2020-01-09 16:32:28 UTC

2020-01-09 16:32:56 UTC  

the based side of censorship

2020-01-09 16:59:06 UTC  


2020-01-09 17:11:48 UTC  

It's odd hearing something that is both simultaneously foreign and so familiar.

2020-01-09 17:47:02 UTC  

This is almost ricist

2020-01-09 17:47:07 UTC

2020-01-09 17:47:19 UTC  

I saw rice being sold for 14.88 once

2020-01-09 20:18:51 UTC  

To whoever one of you said this wasn't a false flag, yer maw punts council

2020-01-09 20:19:06 UTC  


2020-01-09 20:19:51 UTC  

Somebody, can't remember who, said it wasn't a false flag attack by the US because nobody was pinning it on Iran.

2020-01-09 20:19:54 UTC  

And here we are.

2020-01-09 20:27:29 UTC  

I haven't heard someone saying it was a false-flag, in that case it was based

2020-01-09 20:34:38 UTC  

It’s obvious it was Iran it’s a child stealing a cookie and crumbs on his fingers saying “no it wasn’t Me”. Why even lie

2020-01-09 20:38:16 UTC  

Thing about false flags is that the western media starts screaming since the first moment. On this one it was first said that it's a technical failure, despite the weird timing.
So, naturally I leaned towards it being a legit technical failure. Right now stories are starting to change and people are starting to toss around speculations

2020-01-09 20:38:26 UTC  

So, idk, sit back and watch it unravel.

2020-01-09 20:44:34 UTC  

@everyone Guys, does any of you (or someone you know) handle well video edition? We are at a stage where we have massed large amounts of knowledge and we definitely have the necessary charisma and autism to make great propaganda points. We need, however, someone who doesn't need a million hours to make animated videos showing facts, videos, or any kind of relevant material in a fancy fashion.

For example, we have the abortion document, and we could pretty much make more about degeneracy, judaism, or whatever. But some easily shareable, entertaining to watch videos would be great to both teach and attract others

2020-01-09 20:46:10 UTC  

Keep an eye open for people who could collaborate with that in whatever communities you belong to

2020-01-09 20:47:12 UTC  

@Mozalbete ⳩ if u don't find someone top tier at video editing lmk, i can put something together but i'd also need more details on what ur looking for

2020-01-09 20:47:38 UTC  

Have we ever considered something like an LC Podcast, or anything that effect?

2020-01-09 20:48:41 UTC  

This is an example of a good video of propaganda through facts:

2020-01-09 20:48:57 UTC  

A simple explanation of things, showing sources, well recorded voiceover, succint, dense

2020-01-09 20:49:53 UTC  

Id do the voiceover if i had a good mic

2020-01-09 20:49:59 UTC  
