Message from @Зигφρид

Discord ID: 664571778244280330

2020-01-08 17:00:15 UTC  

Mfw some Estonian retired general is saying there were no casualties cause US shot down all the missiles

2020-01-08 18:19:13 UTC  

My take on the Eucharist is that you are supposed to consume it if the host is abandoned or in danger of desecration.

2020-01-08 18:19:55 UTC  

Yeah, I think that's the correct procedure

2020-01-08 18:21:17 UTC  

If the most precious blood is spilled, according to the *actual* rules (not the post V-II stuff), you're actually supposed to take whatever fabric has the spill and burn it.

2020-01-08 18:21:46 UTC  

Can't remember if you're supposed to wait until the eve of St. John the Baptist, though.

2020-01-08 18:24:09 UTC  

Brexiteers seem to have magically turned into boomer-tier cringe.

2020-01-08 18:25:46 UTC  

Weren't they always?

2020-01-08 18:35:45 UTC  

Harsh m9.

2020-01-08 18:35:53 UTC  

They won us the referendum.

2020-01-08 18:35:54 UTC  


2020-01-08 18:36:21 UTC  

But yeah, they've all turned from Classical liberals into Neocon Warhawks over this Iran business.

2020-01-08 19:49:23 UTC  

Well... I think this shitshow of a (((war))) happened because Trump was about to get impeached and had to do something (((decent))) to get some electorate on his side.

2020-01-08 20:03:35 UTC  


2020-01-08 20:03:46 UTC  

The impeachment would never pass the senate

2020-01-08 20:08:24 UTC  


2020-01-08 20:09:34 UTC  

Its controlled by the republican party

2020-01-08 20:10:05 UTC  

They only got it through house because dems havw it

2020-01-08 20:10:20 UTC  

But its mostly a sumbolic gesture since it needs to pass both

2020-01-08 20:26:18 UTC  

Oooh, so Reps had to impeach him to make it work. Clever.

2020-01-08 20:33:30 UTC  

@LushDeadlymau125 that makes me feel physically sick

2020-01-08 20:50:59 UTC  

Same tbh

2020-01-08 20:52:22 UTC  

Wow that's really sad

2020-01-08 21:21:37 UTC  
2020-01-08 21:25:41 UTC  

Is Compline in the prayer room chat?

2020-01-08 21:27:51 UTC  


2020-01-08 21:27:58 UTC  

Please mute your mic on entering.

2020-01-08 21:52:53 UTC  

@Kike of Kaifeng should've said you were coming, I could've done with a cantor and respondant this evening. 😴

2020-01-09 04:52:41 UTC  


2020-01-09 07:50:35 UTC  
2020-01-09 07:55:12 UTC  

Thank God I don't have twitter

2020-01-09 07:58:47 UTC  

Me either.

2020-01-09 08:06:36 UTC  

>Emotional support dogs

2020-01-09 08:07:11 UTC  

To think, this used to be the building that people thought was a driving force behind conflicts all over the world. <:ohyou2:569616856105877505>

2020-01-09 12:00:50 UTC  

Think they lost that power to the CIA, when 1/5 of their building was planed

2020-01-09 13:06:48 UTC  

Give them some ganja for emotional support

2020-01-09 16:32:28 UTC

2020-01-09 16:32:56 UTC  

the based side of censorship

2020-01-09 16:59:06 UTC  


2020-01-09 17:11:48 UTC  

It's odd hearing something that is both simultaneously foreign and so familiar.

2020-01-09 17:47:02 UTC  

This is almost ricist