Message from @Igmdigm
Discord ID: 385577591047716864
@cjharmer73 I think the point of the depiction is that, while in the real world yes probably people would cope, but that's the not point. The point is that it's SO VERY BAD, what you thought previously as the worst possible thing is not relevant anymore, because what ever is depicted is WORSE. That's the whole point, the notion that there's something that can turn up evil to 11.
anybody watched that film the Void?
from the guys who made the physical effects for the Thing prequel
p good
we're probably rather tame
We have plenty of firepower. We just have a system that works more or less.
All we really have to do is coast it out until we're more advanced, then by that point our culture and mindshare is so coherent and positive that terrorism and corruption phases itself out along with scarcity.
That's the recipe for a type 1 civilization.
We already have weapons that would destroy 99% of livable area
You're kidding yourself if you think the nuclear threat is anything other than planetary.
We have missile defense systems but they couldn't handle it if the thousands to tens of thousands of warheads in existence were launched.
You realize the radioactive fallout from the sheer number of missiles launched would cake the Earth's atmosphere
We fucking do
That's why we have nuclear physicists
And examples of this have already happened with nuclear testing and accidents
There's also no bloodsuckers or artifacts.
So is Chernobyl rofl
But humans aren't most life
So it's nothing but disappointment and masturbating to fanfiction of russian zombie monsters.
This is not fucking lewds what the fuck
I want to see a lewd Snork RIGHT FUCKING NOW
If you kill the alpha, the rest scatter
so you really only NEED to kill one
>actually following the story
>not just oper8ing in the zone
Your skin is gross even under the hair.
Your personality is gross under all that anime
I'm tempted to shave exactly one half of my body
Tfw you cut your beanbag shaving it with your new chink razor
I hope you went all the way and shaved the entire left side of your body.
@Matthew I hope you shaved the right side to match too
>shaves legs
Step one complete
Now you need some estrogen
panties and programing socks
progaming or programming <:thvnk:332928260004642827>
that would be gay