Message from @Matthew
Discord ID: 386002950742343691
Display case food is neat
The only thing that motivates Chinese is money.
Anything else is just fueled by the money like status etc.
I asked 5 Chinese co-workers if they'd rather be dead or poor and ALL of them said dead.
They said there was no point in living without money
I asked 5 Chinese co-workers if they'd rather be dead or poor and ALL of them said dead.
To be fair the Chinese have a lot further to go down in terms of poverty than the west.
being poor in america
is pretty okay you can actually get government benifits and food and support
if your poor in other places you ded
^^^ In America, society bends over backwards to keep a roof over your head and food in your stomach. It's only hardcore deadbeats who end up on the street begging.
Being poor in america means stressing and working hard to keep your shit togehter
being poor in india is death :^)
ye but poor in India is literally no income, no home, with literally nothing
not even clothes
poor in american is mid level india
Being in India is just bad
Bureaucracy hell, no toilets
I remember seeing an official PR photo of India's Military Assault rifle, and there was a bunch of a shitpiles in the photo
Is it better to live in India or China then?
cause chinks look down at indians as being poor and rural - they only respect big cities
New dehli and Mumbai got mad money flowing through
even cops have lambos
Southern India is cleaner than the north. The problem is that it's wicked hot
Actually I think southern China is cleaner than Northern China as well
it's hilarious
is that a thicc ak
It fires over 600 poos per minute
is the weapon to unleash indias superpower
just poo if you need ammo
unlimited firepower
I think it's got a good bit of reliability issues too
You could say it's a... Shitty rifle 😎