Message from @a dim goon
Discord ID: 595285388692815883
just give cantwell your name and disagree with him once
Is Cantwell even still alive?
His fedbux should have expired by now
And I doubt Enoch will be able to hold him for long
We haven't even heard from Heimbach ever since that LARP
Are they even real
Or are they rubber masks like David Duke?
watching john wick 2 rn
what is this trash
its an action film and its good
this is dumb why doesnt he use his neo powers
He has knife powers now
It came from sacrificing himself to destroy Smith
bro....a PENCIL,, moyherfucker killed 5 dudes with just a PENCEL.....
pencil? more like reddit quill
you hurt my doggo,.. I'd do yhe same!
booped his floofy floof dedoofdedoof
@a dim goon brodie where u been I missed u my nigga
jail mostly
For what lmfao
me diaper was out of season again
it really be like dat 😔
woah its a dim goon
how u been bud
dim goon lives
dim goon went to a farm upstate where he can play with fat bugs bunny all dog gone day
bruh moment
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