Message from @DavidTheSlumpGod
Discord ID: 536018344592015370
At least autists can play Nintendos without dieing
why even LIVE when you can't watch all the pokemon episodes???
I never watched the porygon ep out of worry that it could trigger previously unknown epilepsy
I saw it. It hurted my eyes but I didn't spazz out it was just unplesanant and painful
Seen a couple seconds and it fried my retinas
One time in school a girl had a seizure and class was cancelled it owned
did it work
That doesn't work because you have to click it to play the gif retardo
can u click it and report back
ok brb
please welcome tonight's sponsor for the weekly sweat:
@a dim goon This is his wife he's jacking off on my face I'm calling 911
woah not cool
too soon bro
mommy mommy gimme sweat
oogie mane he killed it
get ready
ima catch the intro and dip
poor eggy got chased off the internet by the feds
that alex menassian song wasn't good optics thou
Did you not watch the Screw Your Optics episode
I did that was the first one I ever saw
the only optics that matter are not being fat
Or a woman
so true
the only optics that matter are the ones where hotdog in a big purse
since i'm new to discord i don't really know how the voicechat stuff works, if you join the waiting room can you still hear the show or what?
Ok fed
no fed just 30 year old boomer
im not a fed either
Ok *fed*
I avoid voicechat on games because i fucking hate talking to people
so relatable
welcome also not fed