Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 543664252326772752
lol I just stole this from the braap
I had ab 10 twitters in 2016 all shitposting groypers does that qualify me to be here
another alt right spy i see
Not alt right
That’s exactly what an alt righter would say
shit the VOD is only 2 hours
I'm an alt righter, I can sieg heil with the best of them
but still includes the juicy part
After months of training I’ve finally perfected my sieg heil technique
I’m on the right obviously but don’t know which clan to pick. Necon? Irony bro? Anime-right? Milf-right?
I was wondering why a multi hour 720p show would only be 500 megs
Since the wignats are finally screencapping this discord I'd like to get this one thing on the record
poop is funnee LOOL
We need to bring about white genocide
Ironically enough I didn’t know ab the discord until beardson tweeted that guys article
continue to subvert the movement
Why the fuck does every females name end in the ee sound
And why the fuck does none of them ever send feet
Hey wignat overlord if you can read this ur gay
g-guys, what happened to garfield?
garfield is here, and he wants to fuck
I have had 1 interaction with this character and he made a dumb take, so
He said he was gonna kill himself ):
Yeah he had shit takes
im not feeling epic
yeah he's unstable
please respond
He was periscoping saying he was gonna kill himself or something
wignat spies wandering the hallways only to be spotted by ironybros