Message from @Jejune
Discord ID: 556480956479832065
“I’m sorry guys” completely black screen
@Deleted User dont kill yourself retard just ignore metokurs fans and it'll blow over
Plus suicide is a sin so you'll be going straight to hell
I have a fat stogey just waiting to be smoked.
>gives up smoking
im trolling u guys with this picture
Fuck. I've been trolled.
You've gone too far this time you rascal
since when did tanners get a new account
I thought we all bullied him off cause he was a loser
tanners is back...
He's always around waiting for an opportunity to strike
look at them niggas skimasks
tf is up ther?
was the sweat last night good
missed it
There was none. Metokur destroyed it and they moved to the braap
it devolved into "what if Charlie Kirk was gay" bits
Still kino
Surprised they haven’t invaded the discord
Uh oh
heil brother TT
Timmy wished for 1k a month but no wall smh
Yeah what a fag