Message from @Steve Sailer Moon
Discord ID: 559930242559377408
@Steve Sailer Moon 😆
wojak mask dot jaypegg
@Steve Sailer Moon it's either a legit retard posting. or a boomer thinking they are styling with archaic memes
memes are like wine
fine vintage
No they're not. You're dumping cringe in my Catholic discord.
except i have gynecomastia after seeing your greasy shitstain memes @Dentistry
why does this trigger you so bad @Steve Sailer Moon
because you fucking suck at what youre intending to do
no I clearly got you agitated
I'm not triggered. My posts have an implicitly calm tone.
you're clearly upset
not because the content but the fucking quality of your content
its so bad
Kind of like correcting a retarded child.
Steve Sailer MoonToday at 10:38 PM
@Dentistry You're an autist and a manlet and you cope by hating Christ. Nothing more.
Firm and calm..
i dont think he gets it
look I really don't give a shit about your jewish sect
I'm just here for blood
I'm a Jew
I love being a Jew worshipper
pretty based to worship the bane of the jews tbh
seems chad
*why is she still talking*
he's the bane of the Jew the same way the Sunni is the bane of the Shiite
it's almost as if thats why warlike barbarian tribes voluntarily accepted it
I have a vast sword collection & have had countless conversations with cute girls in my classes about them. I have been able to speak to women because they want to know about my Katana.
I own a Katana but I want a cute Anya.
I'm not autistic. I have many friends.
@Dentistry wrong
look at those skinny arms, why they are no bigger than a cigarette I could smoke those skinny arms
We are redeemed because of Christ's suffering. Showing me a movie scene doesnt offend me.
>he's still going