Message from @Kay & Co.
Discord ID: 559929755697283082
if you or a loved one shows signs of sperging lasting longer than 10 months, please seek medical treatment
i suffer so others may live free
@Dentistry Just want to say: youre a fag
It's too late to just start j-noticing
It is not 2007. Christopher Hitchens is dead. Move on homo.
holy fuck. these are fucking trashboy memes
🤣 the christcucks are MAD NOW
@Dentistry You're an autist and a manlet and you cope by hating Christ. Nothing more.
@Steve Sailer Moon 😆
wojak mask dot jaypegg
@Steve Sailer Moon it's either a legit retard posting. or a boomer thinking they are styling with archaic memes
memes are like wine
fine vintage
No they're not. You're dumping cringe in my Catholic discord.
why does this trigger you so bad @Steve Sailer Moon
because you fucking suck at what youre intending to do
no I clearly got you agitated
I'm not triggered. My posts have an implicitly calm tone.
you're clearly upset
not because the content but the fucking quality of your content
its so bad
Kind of like correcting a retarded child.
Steve Sailer MoonToday at 10:38 PM
@Dentistry You're an autist and a manlet and you cope by hating Christ. Nothing more.
Firm and calm..
i dont think he gets it
@Dentistry Is truth objective? Because you're objectively 5'0.
look I really don't give a shit about your jewish sect
I'm just here for blood
I'm a Jew
I love being a Jew worshipper