Message from @Venogy
Discord ID: 565736076627673104
lol @beardsonbeardly my discord mobile was messed up
sorry buddy
who is this fag caller
oh hahahah he was trolling
nice job
I wonder
all tits and ass making that money
she's a literal whore
where is the fitness
she's a chubster
she jiggles her tits while pretending to work out
beeeeeetas give money
and there ya go
any man doing the same shit would make 20 cents a day @everyone we r live
Yo wassup @Alyssa Cordelia
@Broseph I'm gonna hop on my other account
@Broseph I want to talk AmRen with u kings in vc
@beardsonbeardly want to talk AmRen / shirt stuff?
@simonsasquatch beardy is ending soon but we are just starting
Sounds good haha
Your life is ending soon old man
whats this?
is this the Spoopter Griffin Smash Tournament server