Message from @PCENGINEDUO

Discord ID: 569405664208617472

2019-04-21 06:10:02 UTC  

can feel my teeth tingling just thinkan about it

2019-04-21 06:10:06 UTC  

I swear to God there's going to be a news wave about how Bang! is giving people heart attacks.

2019-04-21 06:10:19 UTC  

I just use coffee for everything

2019-04-21 06:10:38 UTC  

Coffee doesn't even have the insane amounts of caffeine that Bang has.

2019-04-21 06:10:40 UTC  

I probably overdo it during workouts

2019-04-21 06:10:55 UTC  

I intake a *lot* of caffeine from my coffee

2019-04-21 06:10:59 UTC  

a *lot*

2019-04-21 06:11:08 UTC  

i don't associate monster with boomers but rather that 1 auschwitz mode kid in high school who'd run headfirst into walla daily and act like nothing happened

2019-04-21 06:11:17 UTC  


2019-04-21 06:11:28 UTC  

that was me but in like 7th grade

2019-04-21 06:12:05 UTC  

no wonder I'm fuckin manlet

2019-04-21 06:12:11 UTC  

I drank so much crap

2019-04-21 06:12:14 UTC  


2019-04-21 06:12:46 UTC  

*sipping red bull from teacup* HA-RUMPH.....when WILL they learn

2019-04-21 06:13:00 UTC  

Why the fuck was I drinking coffee in middle school?

2019-04-21 06:13:25 UTC  

I was high on energy drinks and shit constantly

2019-04-21 06:13:35 UTC  

those Mountain Dew energy drinks

2019-04-21 06:13:59 UTC  

mfw been drinking coffee since 11 and turned out 6'0+

2019-04-21 06:14:10 UTC  

I literally only drank coffee because I wanted to be mature like my grandpa, who drinks coffee all the time.

2019-04-21 06:14:33 UTC  

i'm 6 feet btw just wanted to let u all know

2019-04-21 06:14:49 UTC  

Six foot thirteen here

2019-04-21 06:15:15 UTC  

sorry kid the manlet cutoff is 8'3

2019-04-21 06:15:21 UTC  

to the mines with you!

2019-04-21 06:15:26 UTC  


2019-04-21 06:22:54 UTC  

mailing a chip bag with m,y poo in it to jared holt whats his adress?

2019-04-21 06:41:51 UTC  

What will you do when every platform implements censorship?

What will you do once the Olympics are over, and all the restrictions on hentai only become more strict, not looser?

What will you do once every japanese game goes for photo-realism and LGBTQ themes, because they sell so much more than anime waifu games?

2019-04-21 06:44:27 UTC  

Call something gay

2019-04-21 06:58:14 UTC  

Blazing Saddles is good

2019-04-21 07:54:38 UTC

2019-04-21 07:55:34 UTC  

😎 👌

2019-04-21 07:55:53 UTC  


2019-04-21 07:57:58 UTC  


2019-04-21 07:58:06 UTC  


2019-04-21 07:59:46 UTC

2019-04-21 08:08:43 UTC

2019-04-21 08:09:44 UTC

2019-04-21 08:47:13 UTC  

@Jejune yeah it's uh

2019-04-21 08:47:18 UTC  

123 doodoo lane

2019-04-21 08:51:21 UTC  

Happy easter fellas. Goin to my first Catholic (easter) mass today

2019-04-21 08:52:50 UTC  

Peace be with you

2019-04-21 10:28:44 UTC  

good morning