Message from @a dim goon

Discord ID: 569404460019744777

2019-04-21 06:07:28 UTC  

I remember like a year ago I had Mountain Dew for the first time in years.

2019-04-21 06:07:33 UTC  

My taste buds were like "yo this doesn't go in here this is shampoo"

2019-04-21 06:07:45 UTC  

I thought it was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted. Then I got bored of it in a month.

2019-04-21 06:07:45 UTC  

"this is floor wax"

2019-04-21 06:08:01 UTC  

Did you lose like some sweet tastebuds or something?

2019-04-21 06:08:09 UTC  

i haven't had sugar that wasn't from fruit in years took 1 sip of a bang's root beer and almost yakked

2019-04-21 06:08:28 UTC  


2019-04-21 06:08:32 UTC americans REALLY drink this???

2019-04-21 06:08:35 UTC  

I eat sugar all the time

2019-04-21 06:09:05 UTC  

I feel like if the sugar was really that bad I would be mutated already.

2019-04-21 06:09:07 UTC  

isn't bang like crack cocaine levels of sugar though

2019-04-21 06:09:21 UTC  

45g per can

2019-04-21 06:09:23 UTC  

Not sugar

2019-04-21 06:09:25 UTC  


2019-04-21 06:09:28 UTC  


2019-04-21 06:09:37 UTC  

They have zero calorie versions too

2019-04-21 06:09:39 UTC  

With Stevia

2019-04-21 06:09:42 UTC  


2019-04-21 06:09:53 UTC  

I tried monster zero white

2019-04-21 06:10:01 UTC  

did not enjoy

2019-04-21 06:10:02 UTC  

can feel my teeth tingling just thinkan about it

2019-04-21 06:10:06 UTC  

I swear to God there's going to be a news wave about how Bang! is giving people heart attacks.

2019-04-21 06:10:19 UTC  

I just use coffee for everything

2019-04-21 06:10:38 UTC  

Coffee doesn't even have the insane amounts of caffeine that Bang has.

2019-04-21 06:10:40 UTC  

I probably overdo it during workouts

2019-04-21 06:10:55 UTC  

I intake a *lot* of caffeine from my coffee

2019-04-21 06:10:59 UTC  

a *lot*

2019-04-21 06:11:08 UTC  

i don't associate monster with boomers but rather that 1 auschwitz mode kid in high school who'd run headfirst into walla daily and act like nothing happened

2019-04-21 06:11:17 UTC  


2019-04-21 06:11:28 UTC  

that was me but in like 7th grade

2019-04-21 06:12:05 UTC  

no wonder I'm fuckin manlet

2019-04-21 06:12:11 UTC  

I drank so much crap

2019-04-21 06:12:14 UTC  


2019-04-21 06:12:46 UTC  

*sipping red bull from teacup* HA-RUMPH.....when WILL they learn

2019-04-21 06:13:00 UTC  

Why the fuck was I drinking coffee in middle school?

2019-04-21 06:13:25 UTC  

I was high on energy drinks and shit constantly

2019-04-21 06:13:35 UTC  

those Mountain Dew energy drinks

2019-04-21 06:13:59 UTC  

mfw been drinking coffee since 11 and turned out 6'0+

2019-04-21 06:14:10 UTC  

I literally only drank coffee because I wanted to be mature like my grandpa, who drinks coffee all the time.

2019-04-21 06:14:33 UTC  

i'm 6 feet btw just wanted to let u all know

2019-04-21 06:14:49 UTC  

Six foot thirteen here