Message from @Jesus
Discord ID: 575153378984853504
6. I
are they really deleting second city beurocrat again
Nobody wants to watch it
Fuck off
Joe sux
Joe is a sperg
And really a wignat
if you dont get the braap you're low iq. keep on watching big bang theory irony tards
Joe is basically a wignat who alogs by pretending to be the pope
I see zero difference between him and Mike enoch
bro you're litterally retarded
Wutever pampers
I don't actually watch his show so I don't know shit about him.
@GRUMPYGAMER half of all the shoes are dedicated to making fun of gay wignats
Im just going off how he acts which is like a wignat who alogs by making fun of other wignats
how does he act like a wignat goblin boy?
By acting like a sperg retard 24/7
By larping as the pope
By selling 100 dollar olive oil
@GRUMPYGAMER debate him boy
Debate him about what, how I think he's a retard?
How would that even be a debate
"i think ur a retard"
"no Im not"
Also don't want to go on his gay show
you dont get it bro
Come on and debate so I can get a superchat from my 17 sycophants
you mad?
I dunno? If I was, what then
you would be mad