Message from @SneedBalatedBirthdayBoy
Discord ID: 601544808133033985
Hello @GRUMPYGAMER i have checked your test results for treatment I am going to prescribe you 5 deep whiffs of my hijabs crotch region
why are you watching this
Freaking fedora tippers coming for shawn
They make me cringe, not a good thing!!
Just watch the video he cures autism
i cant understand a word
That's the funny part
Third world goblin language about autism
God this bumps
good song
I heard that on their honeymoon, the first thing Gary fucked was his wife's feet, not her snatch. Gary is such a podophile, but don't say that to his face. Podophiles are freaks in the sheets, but they hate being exposed.
by podophile April 30, 2011
where does shooter get his drums
playing a quick tune at guitar center
right into my Motorola razr so i can be my own ringtone
lil scuzzy FL
shooter live show when?
these seem to be the posts that can only make one truly laugh
# cutforContent
where does shooter go for his haircuts
also his glasses fitting
she would play better if she didnt have all those cuts on her arms
needs some gamer sleeves
How can you be toxic 8n a game without chat
All they let you say1 is "sorry!"
theres chat in rocket league
Is it just on the pc version
The switch version limits you to preset stuff
@Deleted User lyrics are god tier
shes on a computer so yeah
love them
simple yet catchy
Women dont use computers
what about tradwifes
Tradwifes got a bepsi
My front shuvs are crispy
are tradwifes women