Message from @Slammer

Discord ID: 625539056708878346

2019-09-22 23:41:47 UTC  

But other than that it was all like 8 bucks an hour after gas

2019-09-22 23:41:58 UTC  

fuck uber eats

2019-09-22 23:42:28 UTC  

it took subway a half hour to make my meatball marinara during a conference where i had a limited lunch break

2019-09-22 23:42:51 UTC  

the guy who delivered it also lapped the block like 5 times before getting out of the car

2019-09-22 23:50:50 UTC  

Fat fuck

2019-09-22 23:51:17 UTC  

Who the fuck gets subway delivery sick faggot

2019-09-22 23:51:21 UTC  

Jussie Smollet

2019-09-22 23:53:47 UTC  

@everyone weiner weiner

2019-09-23 01:14:10 UTC  

i hate the computer

2019-09-23 02:35:31 UTC

2019-09-23 02:46:06 UTC

2019-09-23 03:08:28 UTC

2019-09-23 03:13:57 UTC  


2019-09-23 03:15:34 UTC  

Whos this fag in the vc

2019-09-23 03:31:07 UTC  

One of your gay dads

2019-09-23 03:45:16 UTC  

@Slammer my dad is married to my mom

2019-09-23 03:45:23 UTC  


2019-09-23 03:46:12 UTC  

So you’re the gay one?

2019-09-23 03:48:53 UTC  

@Deleted User burn them with fire

2019-09-23 04:39:24 UTC  

I love ignoring these type of girls irl

2019-09-23 04:40:47 UTC  

watch them start whipping their hair around trying to get eye contact. dumb whores

2019-09-23 05:51:28 UTC  

I'm surprised I never saw anyone draw comparisons between Drumpft and Shido on Twitter.

2019-09-23 10:10:14 UTC  

there's a collective iq of like 200 in that whole video

2019-09-23 12:32:11 UTC  


2019-09-23 12:48:29 UTC  

Charls cooning for Jeff epstein

2019-09-23 12:51:12 UTC  

this is a bit

2019-09-23 13:16:52 UTC  

The joke is that your average high society person/ politician will talk this way about any dead scum bag and would be sharing these same sentiments about Epstein if not for his recent bad “PR”

2019-09-23 13:17:26 UTC  

Just look at how they fawned over John McCain when he croaked

2019-09-23 13:34:00 UTC  

or HW

2019-09-23 13:34:13 UTC  

a president so bad that he lost re-election after winning a 40 day war

2019-09-23 13:34:25 UTC  

@B|ack|ce idk man his whole shtick is "politics aren't real so you shouldn't care that our society is run by demonic pedos"

2019-09-23 13:35:07 UTC  

sure but this is a bit, the statement is a parody of canned sympathy

2019-09-23 13:35:48 UTC  

Have you guys played the game Blasphemous yet

2019-09-23 13:36:04 UTC  

It's pretty cool you go around killing demons and collecting beads for your rosary and shit

2019-09-23 13:39:03 UTC  

That’s like a castlevania type game right?

2019-09-23 13:39:35 UTC  


2019-09-23 13:40:00 UTC  

Like castlevania + prince of Persia + dark souls boss fights

2019-09-23 13:59:58 UTC