Message from @prim

Discord ID: 649757331571343379

2019-11-28 21:50:17 UTC  


2019-11-28 21:50:26 UTC  

The game is decent at best but it's not worth the asking price

2019-11-28 21:50:31 UTC  

Didnt ask for ur opinion on him retarf

2019-11-28 21:50:41 UTC  

Too bad you're going to hear it

2019-11-28 21:52:33 UTC  

@GRUMPYGAMER AOC doesnt exist in anime land

2019-11-28 21:53:13 UTC  

You used to be able to marry at the age of 16 in Japan too but they want to make sure their populace stays childless well into their 50's.

2019-11-28 22:30:28 UTC  

"im not christian but-"

2019-11-28 22:43:14 UTC  

dunkey is pretty honest about measuring how FUN something is

2019-11-28 22:44:18 UTC  

Death Stranding probably isnt super fun but fills the kojima autism bar

2019-11-28 22:44:36 UTC  

Yeah DS isn't fun. It's pretty much like RDR2.

2019-11-28 22:47:49 UTC  

Im definitely going to slave through it on pc

2019-11-28 22:56:25 UTC  

Is it for sure coming to pc

2019-11-28 22:58:32 UTC  

dunkey comes from the same mindset as reggie "if its not fun, why bother"

2019-11-28 22:58:43 UTC  

which is a limiting element of the medium

2019-11-28 22:59:26 UTC  

Why would u play a boring game

2019-11-28 23:16:22 UTC  

Fun is subjective.

2019-11-28 23:16:45 UTC  

The market has shown their definition of fun is watching cut scenes.

2019-11-28 23:19:46 UTC  

experiences can make up for not having fun

2019-11-28 23:20:06 UTC  

so if a plot or character is compelling its worth sitting thru a bunch of boring unfun garbage

2019-11-28 23:43:39 UTC  

DMCV was mechanically refined and had the most top notch visuals but it's not fun.

2019-11-28 23:44:23 UTC  

Nier Automata doesn't have the deepest combat system but the experience made it fun from beginning to end.

2019-11-28 23:46:19 UTC  

nier's sidequests ruined the experience for me

2019-11-29 00:38:45 UTC

2019-11-29 01:34:05 UTC  


2019-11-29 01:35:37 UTC  

what's the schedule for the podcast?

2019-11-29 01:47:36 UTC  

What podcast

2019-11-29 01:50:31 UTC  

A bunch of games take hours to get going before being fun. Chrono Trigger such an example

2019-11-29 01:52:59 UTC  

pepe the alt right frog

2019-11-29 01:53:05 UTC  

chrono trigger is like 12 hours long

2019-11-29 01:53:06 UTC  


2019-11-29 01:53:25 UTC  

Yeah and the first 3 are slow af

2019-11-29 01:53:53 UTC  

if you dont engage with the willieniam faire and the active battle system you are going to not like it

2019-11-29 01:53:55 UTC  

Once you learn magic it picks up

2019-11-29 01:54:03 UTC  

gaia is the first annoying boss

2019-11-29 01:54:13 UTC  


2019-11-29 01:54:25 UTC  

2300ad is annoying af the first time

2019-11-29 01:54:33 UTC  

@GRUMPYGAMER the podcast on youtube with the beardman and his cohort

2019-11-29 01:54:59 UTC  

Its not a podcast its a live stream

2019-11-29 01:55:02 UTC  
