Message from @Agent Smith

Discord ID: 519766021079433247

2018-12-03 22:35:43 UTC  

@SteelandSouls Ya, it's so bad how they are agreeing with the bad guy for that song lol (the newer one).

2018-12-03 22:41:36 UTC  

You got me listening to a whole lot of Silly Songs now @Shadows

2018-12-03 22:45:30 UTC  

Its what i do.

2018-12-04 01:00:53 UTC  
2018-12-04 02:36:20 UTC  
2018-12-04 02:43:23 UTC  

It offends people who deserve to be offended

2018-12-04 04:14:54 UTC  

@yuma_8 seriously thought it was Muslims. Lol

2018-12-04 04:17:10 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat that was my first thought too

2018-12-04 04:19:28 UTC  

@Psychlops924 yeah. Now I realize it’s even funnier. Lol

2018-12-04 04:29:54 UTC  

@yuma_8 @Psychlops924 Well, now that I’ve thought about it. It actually makes sense that it isn’t Muslims who were offended. If they were, there would already be a stack of bodies from saying the phrase.

2018-12-04 04:30:17 UTC  

it could have just as easily been another (((group)))

2018-12-04 09:49:24 UTC beardy is back on YouTube

2018-12-05 04:20:14 UTC  


2018-12-05 05:55:20 UTC  


2018-12-05 05:57:15 UTC  

Still wrong

2018-12-05 06:44:52 UTC  

$15 minimum wage

2018-12-05 12:16:42 UTC  

@Agent Smith All I can hear while looking at that gif

2018-12-05 13:41:23 UTC  
2018-12-05 14:01:58 UTC  

@Euro looking for a green card I saw that video and the one linked by @grant on his channel.
My question to those people: Do women have more empathy then men? (i would say maybe, maybe not). Do you know what empathy means? It helps us understand other peoples point of view, so if women were really better at this, why would it be hard to say men are better at some things WHILE not demeaning them, if you can understand/empathize with other humans?

2018-12-05 14:26:17 UTC  

The response would likely be that empathy is more a feeling of compassion without logically thinking things trough.
The result is that nice warm feeling you get when you say you show empathy to somebody else. Challenging questions like the ones in the video show that these people have never thought about the most logical and scientifically proven facts of life.

2018-12-05 14:26:47 UTC  

Empathy today is 90% virtue signalling!

2018-12-05 14:39:05 UTC  

Women are just more emotional.

2018-12-05 14:39:19 UTC  

You are not wrong, but that's not all empathy is. If you can have feelings of compassion for someone and understand where they are coming from, meaning you should understand the point of view they are giving or you can just see it without being told. It means you should understand the importance of another person, and if you know that, you should know how good it is to give people credit for what they are capable of. Then you should know what capabilities different people have, so saying men are better then women at some things would be the simplest thing to do (if you really were empathetic)

2018-12-05 14:40:07 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat I don't think so, they are just never taught to control them (like most men).

2018-12-05 14:40:49 UTC  

@Shadows I know men and women who can’t control their emotions. Its more of a women thing than men.

2018-12-05 14:41:06 UTC  

I don’t know if it’s about being taught.

2018-12-05 14:42:04 UTC  

I wouldn't say its 100%, but it is indeed about being taught not how to control them.

2018-12-05 14:43:22 UTC  

trans-women do say that the hormones do make them more weepy than they used to be

2018-12-05 14:44:25 UTC  

I think hormones have more to do with it then nurture.

2018-12-05 14:44:29 UTC  

but then also boys are taught early on that no-one GAF about their feelings and calls for help and to just get on with it

2018-12-05 14:56:07 UTC  

I've bawled my eyes out seeing a random broken barbie doll on the street

2018-12-05 14:56:57 UTC  

Because I just thought of the sad little girl who lost her best friend and is probably heartbroken. I just wanted to find her and give her a hug and tell her it's okay