Message from @Euro looking for a green card

Discord ID: 522818428105654272

2018-12-12 20:46:24 UTC  

is this not literally using the office for political reasons and targeting someone who hasn't committed a crime:

2018-12-12 20:46:52 UTC  

There's no crime, but she going to go look for one because trump derangment syndrome

2018-12-12 20:47:14 UTC  

oh iguess this should be under other links

2018-12-12 21:02:03 UTC  

More people need to listen to Dershowitz on these things.

2018-12-12 22:51:34 UTC  
2018-12-12 22:52:03 UTC  

This a few weeks old, but Ubisoft has been doing this crap for a while.

2018-12-12 23:28:33 UTC  
2018-12-12 23:56:03 UTC  

quick someone else post timcasts third video

2018-12-12 23:56:39 UTC  

I'm stiil watching this one

2018-12-12 23:57:06 UTC  

I win!

2018-12-13 01:33:10 UTC  
2018-12-13 05:07:57 UTC  
2018-12-13 05:09:10 UTC  

Its hard to say how much anyone ever gets done in congress, but at least he was trying.

2018-12-13 08:10:33 UTC  

Gowdy seemed like an upright guy, shame he left, then again I can't blame him considering the company he was in...

2018-12-13 15:56:55 UTC  
2018-12-13 16:53:46 UTC
She is hard-core! Couldn't watch the whole video.

2018-12-13 17:46:55 UTC  

She was very dodgy on the question: are all me rapists. The cameraman had to finally ask for a direct answer.

2018-12-13 17:48:17 UTC  

also, she endorsed the "I regretted sex a latter date, so its now rape" narrative

2018-12-13 17:50:35 UTC  

Also, thanks to #metoo I doubt she had any real trauma. I bet its a false memory or she is just an attention whore.

2018-12-13 17:51:32 UTC  

Or just a whore in general

2018-12-13 17:51:47 UTC  

Why not both

2018-12-13 17:53:29 UTC  
2018-12-13 17:57:18 UTC  


2018-12-13 18:03:35 UTC  
2018-12-13 18:08:53 UTC  

Imagine my shock

2018-12-13 19:09:42 UTC  

What the hell? She was stabbed at school by a goat fucker, and they are talking about how she felt left out because she was the only actual German in the class?

2018-12-13 19:09:49 UTC  

What a load of shit.

2018-12-13 19:12:09 UTC  
2018-12-13 21:05:33 UTC  

@grant scroll up a bit :)

2018-12-13 21:07:30 UTC  

@It's Stephen Miller Time We are still trying to get MGM stopped, let alone people who just use it for facials.....

2018-12-13 21:46:26 UTC  

@Shadows oops didn't see it.

2018-12-13 23:24:59 UTC  

No tim lily singh isn't nice, and is a liar. The only time I hear about her is when she spouts similar non-sense