Message from @Mandatory Carry

Discord ID: 583778970697465877

2019-05-30 20:52:31 UTC  


2019-05-30 20:53:09 UTC  

Gotta stay fresh

2019-05-30 20:53:17 UTC  

big brain bois

2019-05-30 20:53:28 UTC  


2019-05-30 20:56:07 UTC  

called a cunt over 10,000 times - that's cuz she is a cunt

2019-05-30 21:13:11 UTC  

^that's how I got banned from Twitter

2019-05-30 21:18:44 UTC  

They definitely deserved it though.

2019-05-30 21:21:07 UTC  

facts is facts and twitter can't have facts on its platform

2019-05-30 21:21:17 UTC  


2019-05-30 21:21:35 UTC  

Only emotion, degeneracy, and autistic screeching.

2019-05-30 21:21:46 UTC  

If you're lucky, all three at the same time.

2019-05-30 21:22:29 UTC  

you don't need luck. it's like that 99% of the time

2019-05-30 21:55:24 UTC  

@Shadows my point was on the argument of using UBI to provide $ but doesnt resolve the social issues of mass unemployment. Coupling UBI with removing minimum wage would both ensure people have sustainable income while giving people a price competitive advantage vs automation

2019-05-30 21:55:58 UTC  

Yang hasn't said to get rid of minimum wage but he did say he wouldn't raise minimum wage

2019-05-30 21:57:12 UTC  

The idea of a UBI is to simplify wealth redistribution by remkving means testing associated with other programs

2019-05-30 22:01:20 UTC  

The fix for housing prices is to increase the interest rates substantially

2019-05-30 22:06:14 UTC  

At this rate, it seems auto maintenance and gas prices can be easier fixed through self driving cars and rideshares

2019-05-30 22:07:26 UTC  

Self driving cars could potentially coordinate to cut down on driving wastes like over acceleration, excessive breaking, traffic distribution, etc

2019-05-30 22:08:08 UTC  

Rideshare capability will allow cars to be used more efficiently (less cars sitting. In garages 22 hours a day)

2019-05-30 22:09:12 UTC  

@Dan V
Us twatter death rowers gotta stick together...

2019-05-30 22:10:17 UTC  

@Putz I asked because you said it was a counter to the video (i've not seen the video), but if it does not in fact change the minimum wage how is that a counter? It might be a good idea or not, but that doesn't mean it will happen, so its not really a counter. I myself don't like the idea of a UBI, but i'm not unwilling to listen to good arguments.

2019-05-30 22:14:35 UTC  

Some of the above chat i went though was painful to read.... lol

2019-05-30 22:14:58 UTC  

In the video she states that UBI does not resolve the social impact of mass unemployment. Which she and Joe Rogan are correct about. What they ignore however is that UBI removes the demand for a minimum wage. So if they packaged UBI with a minimum wage cut/removal it could in fact help with the mass unemployment issue

2019-05-30 22:15:52 UTC  

But what if it doesn't (as its not likely to do so).

2019-05-30 22:17:00 UTC  

Doesn't what?

2019-05-30 22:19:30 UTC  

Lets say you could make a great plan for UBI that included reducing or removing minimum wage all together. But after using your plan we still have the same minimum wage and it keeps growing (as this is the most likely case to happen). What would you do with UBI then, still keep it?

2019-05-30 22:27:01 UTC  
2019-05-30 22:36:34 UTC  

@Shadows UBI is immoral, the point was the gap in the argument that could be used by UBI supporters

2019-05-30 22:38:34 UTC  

UBI is one method to buy peace from the populace, one glarring hole in that solution is it does not address the social issues related to mass unemployment

2019-05-30 22:59:12 UTC  

I am very sympathetic to mass unemployment (as it normally causes a lot of pain and death), but i don't see it happening as soon as many people who are worried about it claim.

2019-05-30 23:05:57 UTC  

Until we have servator Android's that can do everything we can, include innovate, I like the idea of not redistributing wealth.

2019-05-30 23:11:47 UTC  

My point was the argument for UBI is the fear of mass automation which leads to mass unemployment. Automation is the result of lower capital cost to automate than its human competitor because of wage inflation. Wage inflation comes from minimum wages in low skill workers (and increased demand in. High skill workers). UBI does not count as a wage and therefore gives humans a cost advantage over automation which could slow automation

2019-05-30 23:13:46 UTC  

Maybe. But I don’t think it’ll actually work that way.

2019-05-30 23:32:04 UTC  

@Putz Yes, i know your point (tho i don't think mass automation is really the main reason people are pushing UBI, but it could be), but like Sal said. I don't see it happening that way.

2019-05-30 23:37:55 UTC  

UBI is a sham.

2019-05-30 23:43:36 UTC  

I've not seen a good argument for it. But i can't dismiss it outright.

2019-05-31 00:00:33 UTC  

I can... It's welfare by another name. It's as inept and incompetent as 99% of the other programs (including the only one built by and for national defense programs).
Worse it will lead to more program, eventually diminishing it's own value, requiring another raise in the program, inevitably becoming another self-destroying "feel good, do harm" program.
Citation: Nicolló MACHIAVELLI.

2019-05-31 00:01:47 UTC  

welfare is an obligatory step in a civilization's decline