Message from @Draco552

Discord ID: 585812981510569984

2019-06-05 02:11:09 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz Their YoY earnings have been rising for five straight years, and this year is set to be their biggest earning year ever. They aren't out of money. That's just click bait rag journos fucking with you.

2019-06-05 02:12:41 UTC  

I worded that wrong, but you know what I mean.

2019-06-05 03:11:13 UTC  

@Deleted User
No you didn't. You put it perfectly.

2019-06-05 04:08:09 UTC  

This is why I hate religion

2019-06-05 04:09:27 UTC  

The mega ‘church’ pastors and prosperity gospel hucksters are absolutely a stain.

2019-06-05 04:17:05 UTC  

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

2019-06-05 04:17:33 UTC  

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.

2019-06-05 04:18:08 UTC  

For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.

2019-06-05 04:18:30 UTC  

Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord.

2019-06-05 04:18:40 UTC  

It's not like we weren't warned.

2019-06-05 04:33:06 UTC  

@Deleted User I'm not overly concerned with the amount of money they're making. It's with the amount they're spending compared to the amount of progress that is made.

2019-06-05 04:34:58 UTC  

@DJ_Anuz I'm not gonna try to convert you. You'll see the ads around when it launches. Check it out then and see if you're interested.

2019-06-05 04:38:44 UTC
Truthfully, the Garand was pretty much obsolete as soon as it took to the feild, but it was the most advanced ***STANDARD*** infantry rifle of the war, and second overall (the M-2 and MG-43/44 tied as the most advanced, with the M-2 edging out the -43/44 as more reliable and easier to mass produce).

2019-06-05 04:51:07 UTC place your bets, I'm going with CP

2019-06-05 05:03:57 UTC  

nah, not CP. Aust has some super draconian laws regarding "national security"
"national security" is so broadly defined that it includes whistleblowing and even mentioning that an investigation on whistleblowing is going on. Assange has a snowflake's chance in hell of not being grabbed by them

2019-06-05 05:08:59 UTC  

if it was CP, it would have been regular cops

2019-06-05 05:35:29 UTC  

I will be interested in how this shakes out.

2019-06-05 12:50:59 UTC  

USA and Japan fight to keep the waifus out of the UN's grubby mitts

2019-06-05 12:51:38 UTC  

on a serious note, its a fairly interesting story

2019-06-05 15:15:11 UTC  

Wow, ¿ban anime? ¿What's next? ¿Abstractionism?

2019-06-05 16:58:54 UTC  
2019-06-05 17:10:17 UTC  
2019-06-05 17:10:25 UTC  

Fuck you david letterman

2019-06-05 17:53:51 UTC  
2019-06-05 18:23:10 UTC  


2019-06-05 18:23:41 UTC  

"the women are always saving the men..."

2019-06-05 18:29:32 UTC  

i watched the first two McAvoy X-Men movies. i guess i'll skip this one too

2019-06-05 18:50:10 UTC  


2019-06-05 23:40:45 UTC  

@Dan V Its a shame, none of those's movies have been good, but i still like McAvoy.

2019-06-05 23:57:57 UTC  

@grant Another good video from Stossel.

2019-06-05 23:58:44 UTC  

I know, another video about the adpocalypse, but in it he mentions that superchats are affected as well, for those interested

2019-06-06 00:03:46 UTC  

On the strossel vid, I love how the argument for using ssi to cover maternity leave is pointing out that the money put into ssi can serve a better purpose now than later, which is the same reason why ssi shouldn't exist since you could have better alternative uses for that money in general like paying for college or starting a business or making rent

2019-06-06 00:04:14 UTC  

The average rate of return on SSI is only 1%. A college grad is putting money into SSI with a rate or return of 1% while paying 5.05-7.6% on a college loan, buy a house and your paying 3.55-4.27%. How can you even quantify the opportunity cost putting money in SSI over starting a business, reliable transportation, etc

2019-06-06 00:04:52 UTC  

And SSI is regressive, the only people who collect it are those who live long enough, and that tends to be the upper class who has benefited from better diets, healthcare, and working conditions

2019-06-06 00:33:01 UTC  
2019-06-06 00:37:38 UTC