Message from @aguyyouknow

Discord ID: 587849290311794690

2019-06-11 02:13:54 UTC  


2019-06-11 02:14:06 UTC  


2019-06-11 02:14:54 UTC  


2019-06-11 02:15:02 UTC  

Work her own joke against her.

2019-06-11 02:15:04 UTC  

And she buys a lot of lipstick because she looks like those black people in the old cartoons

2019-06-11 02:15:21 UTC  

Lots of surface area to cover.

2019-06-11 02:15:34 UTC  

I just didn't understand the depth of this joke

2019-06-11 02:16:09 UTC  

Mass Media is how many of us get our news from sites such as CNN, Fox, CNBC, VOX, and others. This becomes a problem when propaganda and forced agendas are rammed down your throat. In this video it talks about how mass media is run on agenda and not fact based.

2019-06-11 02:19:36 UTC  

@micamike45 lol. Remember when black lives matter was all upset when harambe got killed

2019-06-11 02:19:38 UTC  


2019-06-11 02:21:18 UTC  

That should have been when people recognized clown world.

2019-06-11 02:24:32 UTC  

Does that mean BLM identified as apes?

2019-06-11 02:25:18 UTC  

It means they think black people are basically monkeys. Lol

2019-06-11 02:26:10 UTC  

Did you know that despite making up only 13% of the zoo population, gorillas commit over 50% of animal child abductions?

2019-06-11 02:27:10 UTC  

I got upset when harambe was killed, we lost him to soon.......

2019-06-11 02:28:13 UTC  

I realized I was upset about losing Harambe after a meme informed me of his existence

2019-06-11 02:45:29 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat, @micamike45,
¿Who? Never heard of her.

2019-06-11 03:42:52 UTC  

just using this vid as a jumping off point

2019-06-11 03:43:02 UTC  

why aren't people pushing Yang on some of his more concerning policy plans?

2019-06-11 03:43:12 UTC  

like, he literally wants to implement a rudimentary version of social credit scores

2019-06-11 03:45:16 UTC  

and he wants to "work with media outlets to discuss ways of getting Americans 'agreeing on the facts again'"

2019-06-11 03:45:40 UTC  

like, the idea of having the government control - oops, I mean, _work with_ - the media openly is fucking horrifying to me

2019-06-11 03:47:22 UTC  

he wants to gamify taxes by incentivizing people to complete their taxes early with stuff like trips to the white house

2019-06-11 03:47:57 UTC  

I like his proposal to make tax day a holiday so that people can spend time getting them done, fine, but the idea of giving incentives that push the idea of glorifying the federal government is extremely concerning to me

2019-06-11 03:49:02 UTC  

also, of course, there's the fact that he wants to create a path to citizenship for every illegal currently in the country. I don't disagree with him that just throwing them out isn't necessarily efficient, but surely _rewarding them_ for entering the country illegally is not the right way to go

2019-06-11 03:49:34 UTC  

(also, dropping the voting age to 16. I haven't seen anyone pushing back on him for that yet)

2019-06-11 03:49:34 UTC  

🆙 | **aguyyouknow leveled up!**

2019-06-11 04:15:42 UTC  

i haven't sen all those proposals from him, but noone takes him seriously anyhow

2019-06-11 04:20:14 UTC  

those are the first two that I mentioned

2019-06-11 04:20:32 UTC  

and I don't think that brushing him off as "no one takes him seriously" is the best idea

2019-06-11 04:21:02 UTC  

that's a big part of how we ended up in our current political state

2019-06-11 04:24:02 UTC  

especially regarding the social credit score stuff, because I'm convinced that sneaking in social credit scores is the next step that the democrats are going to take in slowly pushing more creeping control on citizens' lives

2019-06-11 04:24:21 UTC  

(or at least big tech companies that do a non-government based thing that's similar)

2019-06-11 04:25:34 UTC  

@aguyyouknow I don't care at all about his UBI stuff, i had a much bigger problem with his terrible platform websites policies and how often he plays identity politics.

2019-06-11 04:26:58 UTC  

what's insane is that one of these short vids that Rubin put out was Yang talking about "why identity politics don't work"

2019-06-11 04:27:33 UTC  

it's like, dude _you were the one saying that you feared that white men would start shooting up locations with heavy Chinese populations in the foreseeable future after the New Zealand shooting_

2019-06-11 04:28:13 UTC  
2019-06-11 04:28:19 UTC  

^that clip, yeah