Message from @Big T

Discord ID: 588525100760956928

2019-06-12 18:27:47 UTC  

babylon bee and hardtimes have quickly become my favorite satire news sites

2019-06-12 18:40:42 UTC  

The satire practically write themselves

2019-06-12 18:41:16 UTC  

Don’t need to put too much effort into it when the world is bonkers

2019-06-12 18:43:39 UTC  

that's very true

2019-06-12 18:43:51 UTC  

they do a good job of coming up with clever spins to point out how absurd it is, though

2019-06-12 18:44:16 UTC  

since they generally seem to do stories based on stuff that is actually true, and just stretch it a bit beyond reality

2019-06-12 19:10:57 UTC  

They work *in Washington* 8 months a year, they turn around and spend the rest of the year in thier home district.

2019-06-12 19:13:52 UTC  

I thought they spend the rest of the year on vacations paid for by lobbyists.

2019-06-12 19:15:38 UTC  

That's about a month.
Seriously, even Congress can't get away more than a few weeks. (You should see militry leave, and that's semi-mandatry.)

2019-06-12 19:57:51 UTC  

So if you take away the time they spend campaigning, how much time are they spending working

2019-06-12 19:58:27 UTC  

Incumbents shouldn't need to campaign, their performance should speak for itself

2019-06-12 20:50:52 UTC  

Look at the shirts behind AOC
"we have a right to a job." Excuse me what?

2019-06-12 21:01:28 UTC  

You know, that really reminded me of why the left hates Starship Troopers so much (the book, not that ridiculously shitty movie). One of the things that they mention early on is that the goverment is required to offer a job to anyone that wants citizenship, but because they are unable to turn people away, they take every opportunity to make the superflous jobs as soul shatteringly monotonous and horrible as possible.

2019-06-12 21:01:50 UTC  

That is the what the world looks like when everyone has a 'right' to a job.

2019-06-12 21:16:59 UTC  

You could argue that they don't need a raise for inflation because they cause the inflation. Its like saying "sorry i fucked up, can i get a raise?"

2019-06-12 21:44:55 UTC  

Theoretically it's 4 months every term, realistically it's 3 years House, 4 years Senate/White House and you know better, @Putz. Work ***NEVER*** speaks for itself, even in art.
Everyone hates the movie... Especially those who read the book and (expletives) Sergeant.

2019-06-12 22:51:11 UTC  

It should in politics, where you can see how they voted on issues, etc

2019-06-12 23:51:58 UTC  

That's public information.

2019-06-12 23:57:37 UTC  

Of course it is, which is why their actions should speak for themselves. I also think they ahould post info on each vote like the supreme court does. A chance to document their support/objection logic

2019-06-13 00:28:38 UTC  

good ol battery acid eh

2019-06-13 01:45:53 UTC  
2019-06-13 01:46:03 UTC  

^lawyer has garbage take on movie scene

2019-06-13 01:46:30 UTC  

Basically justifies battery.

2019-06-13 01:49:08 UTC  

Captain marvel tortures a guy, extorts and steals. because a guy is a jerk. I also don't buy a the claim that him touching her map while shes touching it constitutes battery or assault. and she clearly doesn't fear for her life.

2019-06-13 01:51:29 UTC  

Also makes her villain in context of movie and isn't comparable to the terminator. The terminator is attacked first (cigar put out on him) also the part of the movie is him being a killing machine learning to be a nice person. Where as Captain marvel has no moral revelation, she learns she was on the wrong side, but doesn't change her moral compass, so she still the same person who attacks and steal from a guy at the end of the movie.

2019-06-13 03:59:31 UTC  

Doc made another great video about that guy who was "saved" from the youtube right.

2019-06-13 06:29:42 UTC  

YouTube banned this share the mess out of the Bit-chute

2019-06-13 13:43:43 UTC  

She didn't say anything wrong. A dash of opinion, not enough to quibble about.

2019-06-13 14:57:42 UTC  

imagine my shock!

2019-06-13 16:00:53 UTC  

they're just diversifying the neigborhood

2019-06-13 16:01:02 UTC  

it's just their culture, bigot

2019-06-13 17:03:55 UTC  

they're really ramping it up

2019-06-13 17:28:35 UTC  
2019-06-13 17:30:34 UTC