Message from @Mandatory Carry

Discord ID: 595132187439923200

2019-07-01 02:19:15 UTC  


2019-07-01 02:19:18 UTC  


2019-07-01 02:24:00 UTC  

Like this?

2019-07-01 02:24:25 UTC  

(had to find a video thumbnail version of the picture)

2019-07-01 02:26:20 UTC  

sure, that'll work

2019-07-01 02:28:32 UTC  

still bad optics, like plantation owners and colonizers safari suits

2019-07-01 02:28:57 UTC  

Pick any obviously non-black color.

2019-07-01 02:28:58 UTC  


2019-07-01 02:39:41 UTC  

All-flannel gang

2019-07-01 02:40:25 UTC  

the cholas already have that, lol

2019-07-01 02:41:45 UTC  

all flannel

2019-07-01 02:41:46 UTC  

i'm in

2019-07-01 02:57:28 UTC  

ooh a cool band name Matt Christiansen and the Flannels

2019-07-01 03:08:38 UTC  

That's not punchy enough. Matt Christiansen and the Flannel Fascists. That'll get him his hit piece.

2019-07-01 03:13:01 UTC  

one hitpiece wonder

2019-07-01 04:19:55 UTC  

@Agent Smith
In Italy, the blackshirts were the fascists... In fact, they trained the brownshirts on how to be brownshirts.
Which is part of why I'd form the blueshirts.

2019-07-01 04:23:00 UTC  

Oh Jesus

2019-07-01 04:24:24 UTC  

They'll blame it all on Blonde.

2019-07-01 06:02:50 UTC  

I fucking saved that one off-line.

2019-07-01 14:49:22 UTC  


2019-07-01 14:51:13 UTC  


2019-07-01 15:15:27 UTC  

*"Not at all. I don't really care about offending people. I sort of thought you would know that."* 🤣🤣🤣🤣
And Jim wonders why his supporters stand by him still...

2019-07-01 16:06:14 UTC
I'm amazed cities in the US seem to have so much autonomy you'd think there'd be oversight to prevent shit like this
Trump needs to send in the feds, the mayor needs to thrown out on his ass

2019-07-01 16:10:48 UTC  

hopefully Tucker will cover this and it can reach Trump's field of vision

2019-07-01 16:15:38 UTC  
2019-07-01 16:38:05 UTC  

Mods are literally the only reason Bethesda products are enjoyable. IMO

2019-07-01 17:02:23 UTC  

They'd be 10-15 hour games without mods to me

2019-07-01 17:02:34 UTC  

100s of hours with mods

2019-07-01 17:12:33 UTC  

And what they did to Fallout... Shameful. First degree shameful. 198Ø's-era drunk driving shameful.

2019-07-01 17:35:39 UTC
Mr Cruz are you trying to seduce me?

He's been going from strength to strength lately for me

2019-07-01 19:07:37 UTC  

In Re; Tim POOL'S Pro-Donny anti-war rant:
We tried peace. It didn't work. If it had...
We wouldn't be having this discussion now. That Donny got N. Korea to finally sit down and play nice only means **ONE** enemy is, for the moment, quiet. Refusal to bomb bin LADEN when we had the chance is why he was still alive later to bomb the World Trade Center.
I truly fear what a nuclear-armed nation-state who's ***ONLY*** export is terrorism is capable of.
*"Therefore, the Romans... knew that war is not to be avoided, but is only to be put off to the advantage of others."*

Please, don't beleive me; Read it for yourself:

2019-07-01 19:14:20 UTC  

Yeah sorry @Mandatory Carry you won't get me to believe that nations that we've been economically sanctioning and screwing with for years committing acts of terrorism in retribution is an example that peace won't work.

2019-07-01 19:15:07 UTC  

Every nation will have nukes eventually, it's an inevitability, and if you put the boot to their throat, once they have the means they will lash out. Cooperation is what makes society great.

2019-07-01 19:16:09 UTC  

You're actually serious, ¿aren't you? ¿You actually **DO** beleive the koombyah hippy bullshit, don't you?

2019-07-01 19:16:20 UTC

I really want to like knowing better, but his left wing bias disguised as "centrism" just kills me sometimes. Nuance Bro does it much better.

2019-07-01 19:17:20 UTC  

@Mandatory Carry I don't believe that Koombyah hippy stuff will work, but screwing developing nations over for resources sure isn't working. I think it's about time we try something else other than war mongering and military posturing.