Message from @Niknar84

Discord ID: 598776998822936577

2019-07-10 23:22:30 UTC  

seems like a perfectly functional plot of land just exile the people to Mexico
if they decline ask "why they hate brown people?"

2019-07-10 23:22:31 UTC  


2019-07-10 23:22:44 UTC  

We could basically shave off the coast and lose nothing of value.

2019-07-10 23:22:51 UTC  

Just need to excuse southern Cali.

2019-07-10 23:23:13 UTC  


2019-07-10 23:24:06 UTC  

and sillycon valley

2019-07-10 23:29:18 UTC  

San Fran. Southern California isn't that blue. Purple maybe...

2019-07-10 23:29:37 UTC  

There are red districts in San Diego.

2019-07-10 23:29:58 UTC  

Basically every single article today has been evidence of the decaying rot

2019-07-10 23:30:58 UTC  

Tim will never be pushed over the edge.

2019-07-10 23:31:14 UTC  

Neither will Matt

2019-07-10 23:31:21 UTC  

Question is who dies first though

2019-07-10 23:38:15 UTC  
2019-07-10 23:39:29 UTC Conservatives need to get the fuck out of there. ASAP

2019-07-11 01:02:14 UTC  

Never forget history- Even when it hurts your own cause.

2019-07-11 01:18:53 UTC  

Tim's already at the bottom of the cliff face...
He got pushed, though.

2019-07-11 02:55:42 UTC  

anyone got linkage for that video Blonde and Matt were talking about?

2019-07-11 02:56:29 UTC  
2019-07-11 17:15:18 UTC  

@Agent Smith i love Freedom Toons and JP

2019-07-11 17:59:26 UTC  
2019-07-11 18:05:03 UTC  

Michael "Hands Up Don't Shoot" Brown must have been an Ethiopian-Israeli

2019-07-12 03:27:36 UTC  
2019-07-12 04:25:51 UTC  

Is there a list of who was actually there? All I can find is a bunch of bitching from the MSM about how Facebook and Twitter reps weren't invited.

2019-07-12 04:45:33 UTC  

Tim went in his beanie as if would ever not wear it.

2019-07-12 04:46:25 UTC  

tim has an image to uphold! he's a public figure. i'd wear mine, too, if i were in his shoes

2019-07-12 04:46:45 UTC  

did u see the video of that white nationalist guy, "matt" something or another, taking it off of him

2019-07-12 04:51:08 UTC  

*"Facebook and Twitter reps weren't invited."*
Of course not; That'd have been like inviting *Völkischer Beobachter* to a conference on radio broadcast law.

2019-07-12 09:25:41 UTC  
2019-07-12 12:35:05 UTC  

I'm surprised it's that little. I suspect they are expecting/hoping he'll be murdered during that time.

2019-07-12 15:19:00 UTC  

@Lord Zedd, @wolfman1911, everyone knows it's a death sentence *by proxy.* We also know why he's been sentenced to die; He humiliated Parliament, he humiliated the Prime Minister, he showed their supporters to be real-world zombies, and if they don't *get rid of him* he's gonna expose them as Iranian puppets sooner or later.