Message from @FrostyCrits

Discord ID: 608033068803948554

2019-08-05 14:36:58 UTC  

So a slew of unconstitutional crackdowns on free speech.

2019-08-05 14:37:10 UTC  


2019-08-05 14:37:36 UTC  

He mentioned bump stock bans from last year, and that more needs to be done

2019-08-05 14:37:50 UTC  

Not sure what this will mean

2019-08-05 14:38:00 UTC  

Actually it's worse than that. He's proposing to attack 1A, 2A, 4A, 5A.

2019-08-05 14:40:00 UTC  

I thought he was media-savvy enough to know that he can only lose when he countersignals against muh white supremacy.

2019-08-05 14:53:43 UTC  

Here's the list I got from elsewhere:
```-Work with social media companies to detect mass shooters before they strike.

-Stop the glorification of violence, including gruesome video games. Cultural change is hard, he said.

-We must reform our mental health laws to better identify mentally disturbed individuals to give people treatment and, when necessary, involuntary confinement.

-Enact red flag laws with due process.

-Use the death penalty for those convicted of mass murder.```

2019-08-05 14:57:33 UTC  

This could be Trump's usual door-in-the-face tactic that results in no deal because the Dems can't negotiate.

2019-08-05 14:59:01 UTC  

Trump tweeted about tying this gun control proposal with immigration reform.

2019-08-05 17:42:27 UTC  

@Keeper GraveAve
ยกAh ***GOD DAMN IT***! ยกNow I can't use the video I made! In it I actually said, *"I pray he* doesn't *get the death penalty, ends up in gen pop, and gets raped every day for the rest of his life."*
I gots the sads now.

That ship already sailed. ยฟWould you like a short list? I don't have the long list I'm afraid.

Interesting theory... But with the bumpstock ban as precedent, I won't hold my breath. ๐Ÿ˜”

2019-08-05 19:24:24 UTC  

Time to watch some juicy videos.

2019-08-05 20:08:51 UTC  

I'm sorry, but the claim that El Paso is a right wing extremist is still not clear;
His history as a "right winger" is far from established; If I were to choose to go on a mass shooting, I'd blast up a TRUMP rally, accuse them of racism, and write a shitpost to that effect. (At this point ๐˜ couldn't get away with it, because ๐™‡๐™„๐™๐™๐™€๐™๐˜ผ๐™‡๐™‡๐™”ย anyone could point to this or a dozen identical postings as proof such a statement is a lie, but I digress...)
Find his social media. Review it. ยฟDoes he have a history of right-wing statements? ยฟRacist comments? ยฟBoth?
Make no mistake, I actually DO want one of the shootings to be right-wing terrorism; I have a very LONG rant just waiting to post on it in which I take the gloves off (there are fates ๐˜ฎ๐˜ถ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ than death, and I openly call for them "for this ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต ๐˜ธ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐™›๐™–๐™œ๐™œ๐™ค๐™ฉ), but unless and until that is established, my answer must remain silence.

2019-08-05 20:10:18 UTC  

yes yes, you already told us that you want him to be raped daily for life ๐Ÿ™„

2019-08-05 20:11:29 UTC  

Oh I did, don't I... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
That didn't change.

2019-08-05 20:13:25 UTC  

i never got around to asking you, but since youre a fellow gun enthusiast, what guns do you got? anything cool?

2019-08-05 20:15:13 UTC  

Nice try ATF

2019-08-05 20:15:37 UTC  

lol oh noes

2019-08-05 20:16:05 UTC  

didnt realize we were so paranoid lol

2019-08-05 20:26:20 UTC  

No Tim, the use of the word **infestation** does not make people more violent especially when it was rat infested or crime infested. It was a signal to get your house n order, not rhetoric to motivate people to become volant. But, the use of **concentration camps** (by the left) was designed to elicit an emotional response of "we gotta do something". They are two completely opposite things. One is meant to be descriptive the other is a call to action.

2019-08-05 22:06:46 UTC  

Tim at least tends to be fair, and you know where heโ€™s coming from. Unlike must of the rats on the left.

2019-08-05 22:07:14 UTC  

Tim 2nd Civil war Pool

2019-08-05 22:17:15 UTC  

its 3 years old and still works...

2019-08-05 22:27:14 UTC  

Out of all the left wing commentators, I can stand to listen to Tim. He's just wrong sometimes but he does try to represent a story fairly for the most part. If the rest of the media was as fair as Tim is, things would be a lot better.

2019-08-05 22:31:58 UTC  

lol, ya he does do a lot of hang wringing and dances around the point

2019-08-05 22:47:24 UTC  

its verbal diarrhea

2019-08-05 22:47:31 UTC  

Fence walkers.

2019-08-05 23:38:41 UTC  

10/10 would bleed from ears again

2019-08-05 23:38:42 UTC  


2019-08-05 23:40:31 UTC  

I found the line "I'm going to Ker-mit suicide" way funnier than I should've

2019-08-05 23:42:42 UTC  

@Big T
I have a KelTec Sub 2ร˜ร˜ร˜ in .4ร˜ cal. because my boss was selling the company inventory to get G2's. I'm still recovering from having been homeless. ๐Ÿ˜’
And I am NOT afraid of the ATF.
Ok, real business now:

Too right. I place the blame for NDC on the collie, she as much as ordered a hit using the left's own fucking rules:
*"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."*
Well bitch your own fucking rules say, *"Speech is violence."*
@Legalize got ass raped on Reddit for *less than* what she did, all he did was say *"murder isn't ok, even if it's Donny."*
(I have to admit it amused me to know I'm defending him and he'll never even know. ๐Ÿคฃ)

2019-08-05 23:42:52 UTC  


2019-08-05 23:43:23 UTC  

very cool

2019-08-06 00:37:59 UTC  

Day 1 of game testing went better than expected. Like, might be able to submit it to app stores Wednesday

2019-08-06 00:38:30 UTC  

It feels wrong almost. Like we have to had missed something

2019-08-06 03:34:30 UTC  
2019-08-06 04:38:20 UTC  

How much longer do you think crowder can do these without being attacked?

2019-08-06 04:46:32 UTC  

idk, I love these segments though. I bet you he has security of some kind