Message from @Nic Harvard
Discord ID: 534133140222902272
I haven't addressed him directly again
I’m changing my avatar to a pic of Voldemort
He’s cuter than me, for one
hell yeah brother
I hate that this even exists.
This is one of the many reasons me and the internet have ended up in a love/hate relationship
mainly love after beautiful things like that
Nope lots of hate. Stupid amounts of hate
Bordering on the commission of arson against all of the electronics I own
you just want to contribute to global warming more
Yep anything that ends this circus show faster
further proof An-Cap is the best system
Reckon I’m going to vote feminist.
Then hide - then watch the remaining women scratch each other’s eyes out.
At which point I escape with the remaining sighted sane females, set up camp with them, and spend the rest of my short harried but happy life wishing I’d had the foresight to buy all that non-prescription viagra I used to get spam about
As a person with one eye (PWOE), this meme deeply offends me. The meme present a binary choice between being eyed and being eyeless. I have thus been othered #oneeyematters #theotherdoesntcauseitsjustglass
but if you have a glass eye, do you not basically have two eyes? You are a 1.5 eyer at least thereby you cannot claim protected PWOE status
The glass eye can be replaced by a piece of plastic if needed (which I guess puts me in a place of privilege amongst the one eyed), but as I have no sight out of that eye I still only have 1, not 1.5. 1.5 would be partial blindness in one eye, which is not the case for me
My great grandfather used to take his glass eye out, put it on the table, and tell the local workers “I’m bloody well watching you, you thieving bastards!”
What does that make him?
but you get 0.5 points for style @Psychlops924
@Nic Harvard great at parties, I would assume
Yeah. I inherited his corslet and leathers.
Do you wear an eyepatch sometimes?
I understand that the survivors of parties he attended seldom wanted to give official statements though
Lol. It’s funny and bad at the same time.
I have a nice leather eye patch, but I only wear it on rare occasions.
Oh. Formal wear?
Doctors are all graphologically disabled
I’ve worn it to work a time or two just to surprise coworkers. But if I do it too often it loses its charm.
Only when you have a fat white persian to stroke?
The more pictures I see of Dan Crenshaw, the more I consider wearing it regularly.