Message from @Chump_or_Champ

Discord ID: 545668648950562851

2019-02-14 01:12:08 UTC  

And that’s why my grandpa taught me to be racist against Injins lol

2019-02-14 01:43:24 UTC

2019-02-14 01:45:01 UTC  

I've not seen any of the newer series, i likely never will. It has such a stupid name....

2019-02-14 01:46:47 UTC  

I’m not sure how Boruto is a stupider name than Naruto though

2019-02-14 01:47:38 UTC  

Also, fun fact, when you type Boruto it tries to autocorrect to abortion, so this meme is accurate.

2019-02-14 01:57:09 UTC  

i figured it would autocorrect to burrito. ole!

2019-02-14 01:59:05 UTC  

what is this?

2019-02-14 02:09:43 UTC  

muslims officially embracing the non-binary folks

2019-02-14 02:26:19 UTC  

Conveniently on the staircase leading to the rooftop...

2019-02-14 02:28:58 UTC  

@grant volcel

2019-02-14 02:29:19 UTC  

NEET caliphate now

2019-02-14 02:35:27 UTC

2019-02-14 02:38:47 UTC  

“Sir. I kindly request you unhand me or I will be forced to more firm language. As is dictated by our progressive laws.”

2019-02-14 02:40:01 UTC  

Back-up couldn’t be reached as they were investigating rude language.

2019-02-14 02:40:27 UTC  

Jailing soccer moms for misgendering

2019-02-14 02:40:52 UTC  

Which profile is speaking currently?

2019-02-14 02:41:01 UTC  

Scaring old ladies for asking why some religions are more equal than others

2019-02-14 02:50:16 UTC  


2019-02-14 03:56:45 UTC  

New Christmas wishlist.

2019-02-14 18:02:07 UTC

2019-02-14 18:12:23 UTC

2019-02-14 18:13:38 UTC  

does this Bishop realize God used murderers, thieves, liars, prostitutes, etc. to spread His message?

2019-02-14 18:14:20 UTC  

I attend church quite regularly and I've always been very skeptical of "preachers/pastors". These sorts of "preachers" worship themselves more than God.

2019-02-14 18:14:49 UTC  

They leverage The Bible as a weapon or tool to forward THEIR religion.

2019-02-14 18:15:32 UTC  

and, rightly so, the common man has come to reject religious messages and doctrine because they've been adopted and perverted for selfish gain.

2019-02-14 18:17:51 UTC  

And when you call them out, they double down with more false or completely perverted doctrine.

2019-02-14 18:18:02 UTC  

sometimes completely fabricated.

2019-02-14 18:18:13 UTC  

Any thoughts? I'd love to hear from yall.

2019-02-14 18:18:15 UTC  

It’s also possible for people to be privately degenerate but support and forward virtuous ideas. Obama was privately probably a nice guy. Seems like a good family man. Publicly he pushed racial division and weakened America, the world’s biggest force for good, on the world stage

2019-02-14 18:18:58 UTC  

Good observation. I didn't think of that.

2019-02-14 18:22:30 UTC  

It’s the political analog of separating the art from its artist

2019-02-14 18:32:27 UTC  

The political analog?

2019-02-14 18:36:20 UTC  

Judging the art is to judging the artist as judging the policies of a politician is to judging their personal morals

2019-02-14 19:32:16 UTC

2019-02-14 19:33:21 UTC  

Men give valentine’s gifts because in human mating women are the sexual selectors. Men are the applicants and women are the employers

2019-02-14 22:06:07 UTC  

ah. Thanks for the clarification. I understand what you mean.

2019-02-14 22:06:35 UTC  

@Agent Smith she's kinda cute. 😗

2019-02-14 22:07:58 UTC  

You just have an oral thing, don’t you chump?

2019-02-14 22:17:34 UTC  
2019-02-14 22:18:07 UTC  

Im trans and I still actively teach the gospel lol

2019-02-14 22:19:31 UTC  

Some consider me max degen