Message from @Agent Smith

Discord ID: 607449838925381684

2019-08-04 03:15:48 UTC  

I'd probably save my dog and then try and save the stranger, honestly.

2019-08-04 03:16:14 UTC  

I have a responsibility for my dog.

2019-08-04 03:16:22 UTC  

That's not one of the choices

2019-08-04 03:16:34 UTC  

If it was a kid I would save the kid first though.

2019-08-04 03:16:47 UTC  

Yes it is. "Which one would you save first?"

2019-08-04 03:16:59 UTC  

Not "which one would you save?"

2019-08-04 03:17:32 UTC  

The implications are the other drowns, but nice loophole abuse :)

2019-08-04 03:17:36 UTC  

Generally I believe I have a moral responsibility to the human no matter how much I love my dog, but an invader's an invader

2019-08-04 03:18:10 UTC  

Even if the invader doesn't understand he's an invader

2019-08-04 03:18:39 UTC  

@Nucleon they should have worded it better if they meant that the second one would definitely drown. As it's worded the implication is that there is a chance to save both.

2019-08-04 03:19:29 UTC  

Also Dennis Prager is neo-liberal scum

2019-08-04 03:19:48 UTC  

shouldn't that be neo-con?

2019-08-04 03:23:49 UTC  

They are interchangeable according to goose

2019-08-04 03:24:06 UTC  

They aren't interchangeable. They work in tandem

2019-08-04 03:24:19 UTC  

But yes he's also neo-con scum

2019-08-04 03:25:00 UTC  

I just say "Neo-Liberal" to obscure the fact that I'm anti-capitalist

2019-08-04 03:25:26 UTC  


2019-08-04 03:29:20 UTC  

Are you also anti-sensical? Sometimes you make none

2019-08-04 03:43:15 UTC  

Ancap my b0rther.

2019-08-04 06:11:52 UTC  


2019-08-04 06:19:14 UTC

2019-08-04 06:19:22 UTC  


2019-08-04 06:19:52 UTC  

imagine believing that White Supremacy is a real concern....

2019-08-04 06:20:15 UTC  

also when has the narrative ever been mexican terrorists?

2019-08-04 07:22:25 UTC  

when the media saw a chance at exploitation when people were concerned about criminals crossing the border from Mexico to, get this... commit crimes, and they took it

2019-08-04 10:15:15 UTC

2019-08-04 10:18:45 UTC  

You will outlive your heroes 😢

2019-08-04 15:14:58 UTC  

If you listen to good music, your favorite artists died long before you were born.

2019-08-04 15:18:34 UTC  

yeah, a lot of the music i listen to is by people who are long dead

2019-08-04 15:25:19 UTC

2019-08-04 15:25:21 UTC  


2019-08-04 15:34:21 UTC  

The underrepresentation of conservatives who realize/care that conservatism never conserved shit is all the proof you need to defend the claim that conservatism has never been anything but the accomplice to liberalism.

2019-08-04 15:36:27 UTC  

"Last week, the lead editorial in The Economist, a magazine that once promoted free market capitalism and traditional British societal order, lamented the end of conservatism. Entitled “The global crisis in conservatism,” (6 July 2019). It was a piece dedicated to the conservative as determined by the political Left and Bush Republicans. Essentially, the editorial decried the end of the perpetual loser. That loser, whether he be the individual and or the political party who claimed to represent his interests (Republican, Tory, CDP, etc), never conserved anything and that, The Economist noted in its editorial, was the point. Conservatism was supposed to be the slower, steadier approach toward a Marxist conclusion. The establishment conservative was supposed to walk his reluctant constituency into Marxism as opposed to run them it.

This admission by one of the world’s premier political-economic magazines might shock some, but it was refreshingly honest. Not only did it validate the Dissident Right’s suspicions about the Establishment conservative class, it exonerated her adherents. The conservative voter was never supposed to know what they – the ruling classes – always knew: there never was a conservative political party."

2019-08-04 15:43:41 UTC  


2019-08-04 15:45:12 UTC  

guess I'll save up thousands of dollars for when the economy collapses and I need to seek economic refuge <:peepoSmoke:591008992176898058>

2019-08-04 15:55:56 UTC  

Stock up on wine, beer, and cigarettes. That's the true post collapse currency.

2019-08-04 15:56:17 UTC  

and seeds