Message from @micamike45
Discord ID: 614976632612061258
basically same thing, but says that women weren't in charge from some conscious decision, but from the natural order of things.
Lol. I like that better
Seems like now would be a good time for a moral panic
But there is one happening
@Salacious Swanky Cat probably fetal alcohol syndrome
lol. Who knows
i tried searching around for various disorders and didnt come up with much other than that. the fact the mother has awful genetics certainly didnt give them a good foundation
Watch the liberal Californian have this nice pleasant converastion... but the moment someone questions how the state is going to pay for it's policies, suddenly they question who you are, what your purpose is, and they don't want to talk to you anymore....
those are republican talking points
Is jlp our nigger?
Ah so this is the unicorn the left talks about
~~and he’s verified twitter supports white supremecist ideology~~
That looks like a discount batmobile
Jlp is a white supremacist
Or at least a white enthusiast
JLP interviews are kind of a bizarre thing to witness, because he seems exactly like the kind of guy that the left says has "internalized racism" which is normally a ridiculous concept.
I think JLP is secretly a massive troll that people haven't really caught on to because they don't expect that from an older guy.
That's amazin
Looks sweet with the bluing.
Handle is gluing up tonight so I should be able to get it done Monday. :-)
Tricolors are the bomb. Ours got her mom's border collie coat so it's a lot shorter than most Aussies.
Sjw's and anti-semites
-hate people who wear hats
-think that the hated group wields extreme political power
... There's gotta be more similarities out there, help me out guys