Message from @micamike45

Discord ID: 615741090259140632

2019-08-27 02:46:45 UTC  

but europeans didn't come here because they were driven out by invaders

2019-08-27 02:46:46 UTC  

I think space colonies will be populated by rugged geniuses and reckless fools in equal measure.

2019-08-27 02:47:09 UTC  

hard to tell

2019-08-27 02:47:11 UTC  

fine line there usually

2019-08-27 02:47:20 UTC  

given that corps will probably lead it

2019-08-27 02:47:40 UTC  

there's a chance they will only select controllable people

2019-08-27 02:48:01 UTC  

too much available pyschology for them to ignore it

2019-08-27 02:49:06 UTC  

American colonialism selection happened when different traits were valued

2019-08-27 02:49:25 UTC  

there were some failed colonies that used the wrong selection

2019-08-27 02:49:38 UTC  

reality sorted out the winners and losers

2019-08-27 02:49:50 UTC  

one colony chose educated writers and poets

2019-08-27 02:50:00 UTC  

they figured they would create utopia

2019-08-27 02:50:05 UTC  

being smarter than everyone else

2019-08-27 02:50:10 UTC  

it failed miserably

2019-08-27 02:50:15 UTC  

no one wanted to work

2019-08-27 02:52:06 UTC  

everyone wanted to chase dreams and utopia

2019-08-27 02:52:13 UTC  

but no one wanted to till the fields to make food

2019-08-27 02:52:14 UTC  


2019-08-27 02:53:54 UTC

2019-08-27 02:55:07 UTC  


2019-08-27 02:55:15 UTC  

HaTe HaS nO hOmE hErE

2019-08-27 02:55:37 UTC  

Because tolerance?

2019-08-27 02:55:46 UTC  

Is that REEEEEEsetera?

2019-08-27 02:56:15 UTC  

tollerance is a negative action

2019-08-27 02:56:20 UTC  

or tolerance

2019-08-27 02:56:20 UTC  

He made his minecraft dog gay

2019-08-27 02:56:56 UTC  

@wolfman1911 I believe so

2019-08-27 02:57:03 UTC  

buy your girl a hallmark card. write, "i tolerate you."

2019-08-27 02:57:07 UTC  

see if she likes it

2019-08-27 02:58:01 UTC  

tolerance is only a negative, and it only applies to negatives

2019-08-27 02:58:36 UTC  

when you offer charity, the recipient doesn't "tolerate" it

2019-08-27 02:59:00 UTC  

Resetera is still around?

2019-08-27 02:59:01 UTC  


2019-08-27 02:59:05 UTC  

Cat Lady Central

2019-08-27 03:11:39 UTC  

@Deleted User I could just leave the edges unsharpened I guess... Not sure what rules y'all have in Aus...

2019-08-27 04:31:39 UTC  

Hold up, who is this guy?

2019-08-27 04:31:59 UTC  


2019-08-27 04:45:57 UTC

2019-08-27 05:23:47 UTC  

How flat must her ass be really? That is... quite the distortion.

2019-08-27 05:24:04 UTC

2019-08-27 05:24:36 UTC  

@uncephalized considering she has practically no tits, must be pretty flat