Message from @SteelandSouls

Discord ID: 513199457819688961

2018-11-17 03:19:27 UTC  

But violence on that scale, nah

2018-11-17 03:19:59 UTC  

Look at what grant said, i'd call that evil, now, is starting a fight/war alone evil? It all depends.

2018-11-17 03:20:48 UTC  

I'd like to think if push come to shove, both sides in a nuclear war would hesitate to push the button knowing that the other side is going to push the button too and wipe each other out

2018-11-17 03:21:08 UTC  

But I also think thats why we would put it in the hands of AI or an automatic response system

2018-11-17 03:22:01 UTC  

But this of course is assuming they're on equal terms, and not completely lopsided

2018-11-17 03:22:28 UTC  

Remember people who we consider evil didn't think they were evil. They thought they were the ones killing the evil people. I don't think they would use a nuke. But there already been show to be a clear pass to bombing the bad people.

2018-11-17 03:23:15 UTC  

But I also think people are equally capable of hesitating even if they know its bad people they're bombing. Not everyone of course, but someone with a conscious

2018-11-17 03:23:17 UTC  

That picture. Brings a whole new meaning to ‘grab her by the p-ssy’. Lol

2018-11-17 03:24:26 UTC  

@SteelandSouls I've help raised many kids, i like to think i treated them exactly the same while giving them the freedom to be themselves. Your standards can change from what a person is capable of doing, but i don't think it should just because of how they interact with the world. If something is okay for one person to do, it shouldn't change for another (unless its not something anyone should do).

2018-11-17 03:24:29 UTC  

I'd like to think that's why there's endless revenge/justice films we see where the guy at the end doesn't actually go through with the murder

2018-11-17 03:30:28 UTC  

You misunderstand. I'm not changing based on capability. If that was the case, I'd be throwing Trump under that same umbrella. This is changing based on who they are. So fair enough. I don't know the guy on a personal level. For all I know, he does the same type of blustering. What I do know is that this is my first encounter with the guy in a state openly hostile to my values in a party that is hostile to my values and his first message that I encounter is that? I dont' change on capability. I change on who they are because as nice as it is to interact with people the same way, you don't get the same output with every person even if you start with the same input. I put much merit into individuality for me to create an etched in stone rules of engagement. Now I may have over-arching practices that apply to everyone. Most people do. It's not feasible to give everyone the same universal code. That's why I'll cry over the death of a family member than that of a stranger.

2018-11-17 03:38:44 UTC  

No i got what you are saying, and yes no one can give everyone the same treatment in the world, but if you can allow Trump to say crazy things and not have a problem with them (if they aren't really hurting people), then it should be the same for anyone else (if they aren't really hurting anyone). I'm more then happy to jump on someone for trying to take away peoples Rights, making stupid jokes about that isn't bad tho. The same way i didn't have a problem with Trump trash talking RocketMan (if it was indeed a joke).

2018-11-17 03:42:02 UTC  

For me, Trump doesn't just get away with everything he says. I do my own finger-wagging when he gets retaliatory. There are some fights you just don't need to pick. Don't think I'm just jumping on this dude the same way the Twitter storm is. It ticks me off when the Right does it. By no means do I appreciate what he said though.

2018-11-17 03:42:49 UTC  

I think if a civilian said the exact same thing. I'd be more inclined to leave it alone

2018-11-17 03:44:47 UTC  

@grant It is true that anyone who has done evil, never thinks of themselves as evil. But they do think of their "enemy" as evil. That's what allows them to engage in whatever it takes, so its never really a good thing to do looking at people "on the other side" as evil. Unless they have actually done something evil (and that rarely happens).

2018-11-17 03:48:03 UTC  

@SteelandSouls It took me a while, but i had to think of something i've actually had a problem with anything trump has said (that i know about)........

2018-11-17 03:48:31 UTC  

I came up with when he went after video games! But i think some people explained to him that was wrong.

2018-11-17 03:48:58 UTC  

Good thing too. We didn't need a round 3 of that nonsense

2018-11-17 03:50:46 UTC  

I have more of a problem with his wife and daughter. They i've suggested awful things in the gaze of "being nice", or "good for women".

2018-11-17 03:51:09 UTC  

Melania has been pretty tame. Ivanka is slowly getting "woke"

2018-11-17 03:51:25 UTC  

Definitely doesn't do us any favors

2018-11-17 03:53:34 UTC  

Is she still getting worse? I thought she'd kinda backed off of late.

2018-11-17 03:53:57 UTC  

Out of sight; out of mind, I suppose

2018-11-17 03:54:11 UTC  

I forgot exactly what it was but Melaina wants or wanted to add a stop being mean in school crap. And Ivanka has been a Feminist for a long time

2018-11-17 03:54:18 UTC  

Which is sad....

2018-11-17 03:54:26 UTC  

You mean the "Be Best" thing?

2018-11-17 03:54:52 UTC  

No i was looking for what she said before, that seems new.

2018-11-17 03:55:13 UTC  

It is literally Michelle Obama's "Be Better' campaign

2018-11-17 04:11:19 UTC  

lol No one cares about this, but i just read it and man.... They really can't help but try to start cat fights....

2018-11-17 04:12:50 UTC  

Game of Thrones or the Real Housewives of DC?

2018-11-17 04:14:05 UTC  

I feel worst for the sad person who wrote that.

2018-11-17 04:35:10 UTC  


2018-11-17 04:35:24 UTC  

Though I love Ivanka

2018-11-17 05:00:14 UTC  

This is really good, but all the crazies will try to kill it

2018-11-17 05:07:45 UTC  

Maybe they can get Avenatti to back it.

2018-11-17 05:34:25 UTC  


2018-11-17 05:44:09 UTC  

Harvey Weinstein and Asia Argentines

2018-11-17 05:44:14 UTC  
